المساعد الشخصي الرقمي

مشاهدة النسخة كاملة : English

الصفحات : 1 [2] 3 4

  1. Reply of the Imam with a copy of the statement of the Jordanian questioner
  2. Indeed the liar messiah is the sedition of the living in the era of his coming out and the sedition of the resurrected of the disbelievers in the first resurrection
  3. Fatwa with Truth about the holy spirit in the decisive grand Quran
  4. O community the best foremost supporters be brethren servants of Allah loving one another in Allah’s love and remember Allah’s command to you in His decisive Book
  5. A very important explanatorystatement for every Muslim testifies that there is no God but Allah and that Muhammad is Allahs Messenger and believes in Allah’s Book and the True proph
  6. The fact of PlanetX the planet of chastisement from the decisive Book as a reminder to the possessors of understandingminds
  7. Indeed be of the sure witnesses upon this oath of mine O community of scholars and leaders of the Muslim populations and certainly you shall know that it is not an oath of a disbelieve
  8. The Imam Mahdi Nasser Mohammad AlYemeni is announcing the welcoming to the virtues esteemed Sheikh Omar Faruq AlBakri
  9. An explanatorystatement of the Awaited Mahdi in regard to the crescent of Eid AlFitr
  10. Urgent to all best foremost supporters Beware of spiritualism surely that is cunning from satans’ touch in few of the supporters Allah afflicted them with it before they are fro
  11. The explanatorystatement of the Awaited Mahdi about the secret of the satans’ cunning so the people do not differentiate between the Truth and false
  12. An explanatorystatement for the descending of the Holy Spirit Gabriel accompanied by angels with message from Allah on whom He pleases of His servants the messengers or a glad ti
  13. Nullifying the narration which says that Allah third of three in the grand Quran
  14. Fatwa about death of Mohammad messenger of Allah prayer of Allah’s forgiveness and peace be upon him and his family without any cause of means of killing
  15. May Allah accept your allegiance — O beloved ones of the All Merciful whom followed the True explanatorystatement for the Quran
  16. The Awaited Mahdi makes clear to the Muslims explaining the secret of the initial letters in the grand Quran
  17. Nasser AlYemeni announces about rising of the sun from its setting place west
  18. Response of the Imam to Dia’a in the explanatorystatement of clarifying “AlWaseela” and clarifying the meaning of the competition on Allah’s Love
  19. The day when We gather the dutiful to the All Merciful as guests to receive honors
  20. And We raised him to an elevated place
  21. The Awaited Mahdi nullifies a Jewish punishment law has been inserted in the sunna that violates the grand Quran
  22. A command of obedience on earth from the first khalifa to the last khalifa
  23. The proof of khilafat and Imamhood in every time and place
  24. The True explanatorystatement for the word of Allah the Most High And those of your women who despair of menstruation if you have a doubt their prescribed time is three months and
  25. Replies of the Imam to the so called Ja’farHere is a question from the Awaited Mahdi Are the angels more knowledgeable or the twelve Shiites So come in order we resort for judgement
  26. O AlMuthfir if I asked you a question Do you see that it is your right to compete against Mohammad messenger of Allah prayer of Allah’s forgiveness and peace be upon him and his
  27. The coming out of AlDabba the earthlycreature
  28. From the Imam Mahdi to all Arabs and non Arabs
  29. Fatwa about the astral travel that it is a trap satan placed it to hunt with it the searcher about the time travel so a possessing of an outcast satan would penetrate his body
  30. The Awaited Mahdi announces the approaching stoppage of time
  31. Replies of the Imam Mahdi to Abu Wehbi
  32. The decisive judgement of the Awaited Mahdi for the beginning of Ramadan 1428
  33. Beware of specifying the appointedtiming of the chastisement in particular so you do not lure yourselves and your nation away from the ratification in the Truth
  34. The expiation
  35. Fatwa about the number of wives of Mohammad messenger of Allah prayer of Allah’s forgiveness and peace be upon him
  36. An important explanatorystatement from the Awaited Mahdi Nasser Mohammad AlYemeni
  37. Explanatorystatement of the overtaking the moon for the year 1429 AH to the board of scholars in Saudi
  38. The Imam Mahdi issues to the questioner fatwa about taking the right with the maneuver means
  39. Series of dialogues between the Imam Mahdi and the so called Tarid about the Imamah and fatwa of the revelation to make one understand
  40. O our Allah save save and forgive and have mercy and You are the Best of who show mercy
  41. Reply of the Awaited Mahdi with Truth
  42. The announcement about the coffin of tranquility and the companions of the cave and AlRaqeem
  43. Reply of the Imam Mahdi to AlThawahri who is disputing with me in my affair and he did not strengthen me
  44. The surviving group are who were upon what was upon it Mohammad messenger of Allah and those with him wholeheartedly inside out
  45. Replies of the Imam to Kadhim Husain An explanatorystatement call and supplication from the Imam Mahdi to the Nation altogether
  46. Invitation call of the Imam Mahdi for the dialogue to the virtuous sheikh Abbas AlJawaheri
  47. The reply to the traveler and Muhammad Husam The first stage for the creation of us occurred on the day Allah created our father Adam
  48. Earthquake hits Yemen to various degrees for each province
  49. Replies to who describes himself with love of Allah and His messenger
  50. Response of the Awaited Mahdi to the doctor Ahmad Amro who denies that Allah’s pleasure is the Greatest Bliss
  51. From the Imam Mahdi to all members of the management team of the global dialogue table for the Awaited Mahdi before the appearing
  52. Caution and warning from Allah the One the Supreme to all parties who are turning away from the caller of Allah to resort for judgement according to the Book so keep your duty to Al
  53. Tonight the night of Sunday after sunset of Saturday the moon will reach to quadraturephase first quarter
  54. Urgent from the Awaited Imam Mahdi to all supporters in various regions
  55. Fatwas of the Imam Nasser Mohammad AlYemeni and the reply to questions of the Sunnis
  56. And whoever repents and does good he surely repents to Allah an utmost repenting
  57. Call to the way of your Lord with wisdom and goodly exhortation
  58. And who is better in speech than one who calls to Allah and does good and says I am surely of the Muslims who submit
  59. Reply of the Imam Mahdi to my brother AlAmeri
  60. From the warner to all humans Allahs khalifa on earth to rule by the Reminder the Awaited Mahdi Nasser Mohammad AlYemeni
  61. Urgent from the Awaited Imam Mahdi to King Salman Bin Abd AlAziz and his allies from other countries and the parties in Yemen to the leader Ali Abdullah Saleh and AlHouthis and t
  62. Brief announcement about the fact of the name of the Awaited Imam Mahdi
  63. An explanatorystatement of what Allah commanded the warner Awaited Mahdi Nasser Mohammad AlYemeni to warn those who are turning away of a thunderousdisaster like the thundero
  64. A collection of explanatorystatements to Board of Senior Scholars in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and to all scholars of the Muslims and the Muftis of the Islamic hometowns
  65. Announcement of the blessed Eid AlFitr among the astronomers and the committees of witnesses of the sighting
  66. A call for the dialogue from the Imam Mahdi Nasser Mohammad AlYemeni to the virtuous sheikh the Salafi Abd AlHameed AlHajori
  67. Reminding cautioning and warning to the Muslims and the disbelievers who are turning away from the caller to the Greatest Bliss that is greater than the world and the hereafter
  68. Explanatorystatement of the Awaited Mahdi to the president of senior scholars’ board in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
  69. Replies of the Imam to Nasim Tareed and Alam AlJihad Refuting the suspicions by the argument and poof
  70. Urgent announcement to all best foremost supporters in era of dialogue before appearing by the empowerment and the manifest conquest
  71. Fatwa of the Imam Mahdi about birthday occasions and prohibition of exalting the prophets and the Imam Mahdi
  72. Urgent to all supporters in various regions and the searchers for the Truth among the worlds the Truth came to light
  73. From the Imam Mahdi to virtuous sheikh Yousuf AlQardawi
  74. The grand Quran is Allah’s words been sent down to inform you with facts of Allah’s messages with Truth upon the actual reality just as you speak the Truth upon the actual reality
  75. An explanatorystatement of the Awaited Mahdi about the manifest conquest for the people altogether
  76. True narration from Mohammad messenger of Allah prayer of Allah’s forgiveness and peace be upon him and his family that he said O community of the believers verily would never save
  77. Marriage and divorce and what regard them from the laws An important statement and good news for the believers
  78. Urgent the forebeginning of Dhul Qi`dah for this year of yours 1437 is on Wednesday willed whoever pleased and refused whoever denied!
  79. The True explanatory statement for the verse of terrorizing frightening in the decisive Book the grand Quran
  80. The Imam Mahdi calls the Muslims mankind and and jinn altogether to take satan for an enemy as implementation to Allah’s command in His decisive Book Surely satan is your enemy so
  81. Reply of the Imam to the respected Asad Beni Hashim
  82. وَقُلْ رَبِّ اغْفِرْ وَارْحَمْ وَأَنْتَ خَيْرُ الرَّاحِمِينَ
  83. From the Imam Mahdi now to the aright word and decisivesound judgement in speech and decision
  84. Urgent
  85. O community of Truth seekers what is your thoughts about this verse
  86. An explanatorystatement to all supporters Not to venture into reaching to the companion of the cave and Allah will manifest His signs to the worlds as He wills and whenever He wills
  87. travelersExplanatorystatement of strengthening defaming law of punishing the discreet thieves in hiding and punishment law of bandits intercepting
  88. The True explanatorystatement for His word the Most HighWe send commandments to its people who lead easy lives but they transgress therein thus the word proves true against it so
  89. I seek refuge with Allah the Hearer the Knower away from the accursedoutcast satan
  90. Do not be sad if you did not find the welcoming reply from the Imam Mahdi for the pledge of allegiance
  91. The Imam’s reply to Abbas Najm As for Allah’s sudden chastisement that is for those whom death takes them all of sudden by any reason of all reasons
  92. To whoever claims detonating the Kaaba Allah’s magnified House
  93. Reply of the possessor of knowledge of the Book to Habeeb Alhabeeb by the True explanatorystatement there is no doubt in it He utters not a word but there is by him Raqeeb and `
  94. Who is the associate in this blessed verse A spokenone of them said Surely I had an associate
  95. The Imam Mahdi tells us about the final tashahhud in prayer
  96. Verily guard against a day when do manifest the facts of the people’s deeds to each other that is the day of gathering AlTaghabon
  97. The Imam Mahdi clarifies the True explanatorystatement from the Book of Allah the Most High for the two words AlDeen and Madineen
  98. Cautioning and warning from AlQari`ah disaster its center in the Middle East verily Allah has got angry for His Book but you do not fear His chastisement
  99. Replies of the Imam to AlMahi member
  100. I traveled to Iran and I met with sheikh Ali AlKorani
  101. Urgent and important From the Imam Mahdi to those of understanding mind the best of creatures and the most evil creatures whom do not understand the Truth from their Lord and if they
  102. lucifer iblis is not father of jinn and his offspring are satans
  103. And be not slack so as to call for peace — and you are the uppermost — and Allah is with you and He will not bring your deeds to naught
  104. No differentiation between Allah’s best names and Allah’s name the Greatest
  105. The reply to sister Amata AlRahman Verily do not tie your belief in me with the belief of the people so you would be naive if the people do good then you do good and it they did e
  106. Explanatorystatement of the word of Allah the Most High and the patient in distress and affliction and in the time of conflict These are they who are truthful and these are the
  107. More of the explanatorystatement for the fact of the Greatest Bliss that is greater than the bliss of the blissful garden and a reply to the questioners
  108. Reply of the Imam to whom he names himself I am 2 Keep your duty to Allah my honorable brother and do not argue with the Imam Mahdi without knowledge from the all Merciful
  109. The explanatorystatement that causes the eyes of lovers of Allah and His messenger and the Awaited Mahdi to weep
  110. Answer of the Imam to the question of Najeeb Al`Aqbi Can Allah create a thing like Him
  111. The Messiah Jesus Esa did not instruct his mother Maryam in fasting from talking with the humans of her people except for one day to the fact he is assigned in speaking while she is
  112. Explanatorystatement of Zakat the charity pillar exclusively from the grand Quran to who believes in Allah and the Last Day
  113. Urgent from the Awaited Mahdi Nasser Mohammad AlYemeni about announcing the forebeginning of the twelfth month for this year of yours 1437
  114. Urgent to all humans an explanatorystatement of the calendar of the lunar year from the decisive grand Quran for the Imam Mahdi Imam Nasser Mohammad AlYemeni
  115. Important comment of whom Allah granted him the knowledge of the Book the Imam Mahdi about the list of honor of AlAwab making
  116. Allah refrained from sending miracles in order for you to follow Allah’s Book the Quran Glory to Allah the Exalted the Great the Most High beyond measure
  117. The most honored of the people are the Muslims the most honored of the Muslims are the believers and the most honored of the believers are the dutiful ones
  118. Fatwas of the Imam Mahdi about the banks
  119. Glorifying Allah is indeed one of the greatest ways of asking forgiveness and an explanatorystatement to the Imam’s method in holding fast with Allah’s Book and the Sunna o
  120. The Awaited Mahdi condemns the heinous crime by striking the funeral in the major hall in the capital of Sanaa
  121. Response of the Imam Mahdi to AlMuwahid who he claims that he is mujahid
  122. Appeal of the Imam Mahdi to all Muslims for the pledge of allegiance to fight light and heavy
  123. Urgent to the witnesses of the moon set beginning of the shade late dawn and before sunrise and through it
  124. Water is the secret of life and the center planet earth is the only one that carries water among the enlightening planets and the thermal luminous
  125. Urgent from the Imam Mahdi to all my brothers in blood from Eve and Adam among the worlds to all nations of what moves on land or fly with its wings of all nations
  126. From the Awaited Mahdi to those who turn away from the Reminder as if they were frightened donkeys fleeing from a lion and they are thousands while the lion is one!1
  127. The wisdom of return of the Messiah peace be upon him to be an arbitrator between the Muslims and the people of the Book
  128. The time in the Book for the emergence of AlDajjal the deceptive antichrist
  129. Urgent for the importance to the certain supporters and the Truth seekers altogether among the worlds
  130. Flee to Allah verily I am a manifest warner to you from Him
  131. Would it be possible that the appointed time for the chastisement that Allah delays it according to Allah’s day in the Book
  132. Answers of the Imam to the questions of the member Hilmi
  133. Donald Trump is an enemy to the original American people and an enemy to all Muslim and Christian people and their Governments and an enemy to human populations altogether except the
  134. To the searcher for the True Awaited Mahdi rejoice with the True fatwa
  135. Explanatorystatement of Allah’s ratification for the dangerous political analysis explanatorystatement which we wrote before two years or more before the occurrence so will it cause
  136. One of the Sunni scholars from the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia offers the pledge of allegiance with Truth
  137. Is it then when it comes to pass you would believe in it
  138. The Imam Mahdi recommends to you that Allah is most deserving for your greatest love if it is indeed Him that you worship
  139. Warning of the Awaited Mahdi to all Muslims who turn away from the Reminder of striking stones with the manifest smoke
  140. The Imam Mahdi did not bring a new Quran in fact he deduce the True explanatorystatement for the Quran from the Quran itself
  141. New speech from the Glorious Quran In fact Allah made my purpose to rescue humanity by Allahs willImportant by Nasser AlYemeni Written on 18062006
  142. UrgentThe Awaited Mahdi announces the continuation of the skirmishes and increase of earthquakes at sea and land because of approaching planet of fire Saqar Keep your duty
  143. O the questioner I would never rule against the group of justice and charity so I do not wrong them a thing
  144. Question what is the method of the Imam Mahdi for the explanatorystatement of the Quran
  145. About the surviving community
  146. The Imam Mahdi testifies with the Truth Indeed there is no God except Allah and that all the messengers are Allah’s messengers from Noah till the seal of them Mohammad prayer of Allah’
  147. Cautioning warning and delivering the glad tidings of a great victory verily respond to Allah’s command — O community of Muslims and enter into complete peace to prepare for deployment to fight Allah’s enemy and your enemy satan and his soldiers
  148. Reason of their silence in era of dialogue about the True explanatorystatement for the Reminder before the appearing
  149. The True explanatorystatement for His word of the Most HighThey it is who say Spend not on those who are with the messenger of Allah that they may disperseTruthful Allah th
  150. Speech of the Awaited AlYemeni to the Board of Senior Scholars
  151. An explanatorystatement of AlWaseela and more of the knowledge about the fact of Allah’s name the Greatest
  152. Explanatorystatement of the Awaited Mahdi about the ongoing war
  153. Could never understand the secret of the intercession except who taught the people about the fact of Allah’s name the Greatest
  154. The Awaited Mahdi is announcing the presistance by nullifying the doctrine of the grave’s chastisement and acknowledges the interval chastisement AlBarzakh in hellfireVerily flee
  155. Only those among His servants who possess knowledge fear Allah
  156. O community scholars of the nation keep your duty to Allah and do not be a cause of annihilation of the nation by lack of ratification
  157. Do you not know that nature with whatever in it of seas mountains and heavens get angry for the wrath of the Lord
  158. In fact it is a glowing planet and fire whose fuel is the stones verily it lashes with spark as palaces when it gets near My honorable brother Qawmon Akharoon who he equals a an e
  159. Replies of the Imam to Faris AlSahra Fatwa about the tilth of the everlasting youth from the humans
  160. So flee to Allah Surely I am an absolute warner to you from Him5150 O nation of Islam the escape the escape flee from Allah to Him
  161. Response of the Imam to the brother AlMustabshir Bilfaraj meaning the cheerful with the relief then I asked him what is the thing that made you certain He swore to me that it is th
  162. Hollow earth is Allah’s garden underneath the ground Allah created in it our father Adam and our mother Hawa Eve
  163. Sayha The bridling reply with Truth from the promised Imam to Sirra AlWojood
  164. The affliction to the family of the house in era of the Abbasid and the Umayyad
  165. Your problem is as the problem of people of Abraham whom turned away from fatwa of their minds
  166. The Imam Mahdi reminds about the announcement of challenging to whom denies that he is AlMahdi Nasser Mohammad AlYemeni
  167. Be whoever you are surely it does not matter to me who you are In fact I care that I guide you with the bridling authority of knowledge from the decisive grand Quran
  168. The explanatorystatement for the True Imam about AlAsbat and children of Israel in a detailed dialogue with the supporter “Belquran Nahya”
  169. Urgent O community of mortals keep your duty to Allah the One the Supreme who prepared Fire for the disbelievers a prison of those who turn away from the Reminder it has seven gates
  170. N whom Allah swore by him in the grand Quran to His prophet that He will make him prevail by him
  171. We disbelieve the absolute disbelief in splitting the Muslims into sects and parties while each party rejoice with what they haveAnd Allah witnesses that we are not from Shiites nor
  172. O folks I see that would never reform this nation except planet of chastisement so they would recognize the Truth from falsehood
  173. Our beloved Imam the Awaited Mahdi is calling us to work our minds for reflecting and pondering over Allah’s messages from His decisive Book
  174. Urgent from the Imam Mahdi to all governments and the Islamic populations the Arab and nonArab among them I call all Arab leaders in particular and the Muslims in general to declare combat readiness and preparedness
  175. Reply of the Awaited Mahdi Imam Nasser Mohammad AlYemeni to a message from behind the screen privately surely we do not have secrets in the dialogue
  176. Fatwa of AlMahdi by the Book about the story of David in the sanctuary who Allah gave the eloquence and a clear judgment a reminder to those of understandingminds
  177. Allah’s sorrow Glory be to Him the Exalted Most High over His servants whom they wronged themselves and they turned away from the True call
  178. The superiority of the grand Quran over the entire orations is as Allah’s superiority over His creations
  179. O people I am the True Awaited Mahdi from your Lord and Allah’s curse on the liars who forge unjustly against their Lord
  180. The Awaited Imam Mahdi guides us that the strongest and greatest love in our hearts should be for Allah the All Forgiving the Most Loving
  181. When is the day of AlMahdi’s appearance to the public
  182. Urgent and extremely important to all kings princes and presidents of the Muslims in the world easts of the land and wests of it
  183. Angels stride on ground and fly so they have legs to walk with it and wings to fly with it
  184. Fatwa of the Imam Mahdi about those who get guided aright and those who do not get guided
  185. I want one evidence only proves that you are AlMahdi
  186. Reply of Imam Mahdi to Khalid Halkh who denied Allah’s sadness and His sorrow over those who wronged themselves of His servants who went astray
  187. The Awaited Mahdi issues fatwa about the time that the people of the cave stayed in their cave
  188. Indeed satan is the liar messiah antichrist so beware —O possessors of understanding minds
  189. Is he who befell him the curse of Allah His angels and the people altogether should he despair from Allah’s mercy
  190. Replies of the Imam to Abd Rabu Were it not that Allah holds the heavens with cosmic means it would have fell on earth towards the center of the universal gravity
  191. O greedy for such treasures your heart got similar with hearts of those who deny what Mohammad messenger of Allah came with prayer of Allah’s forgiveness and peace be upon him and his
  192. Fatwa of the Awaited Mahdi about the president Bashar verily keep your duty to Allah O you who have eyes
  193. Response of the Imam Mahdi about cancer the wicked disease because of eating pig’s meat
  194. The Awaited Mahdi reminds the faithful of the importance of the prayercall and ask Allah for forgiveness at the time of illness
  195. Allah’s peace mercy and His blessings be upon you and wishing every year that you are well and steadfast upon the straight path
  196. Response of the Imam Mahdi Nasser Mohammad AlYemeni to the virtuous shaykh Sulayman Ajlan owner of the media war against Imam Mahdi at channel Safa
  197. Explanatorystatement of the Imam Mahdi about the spoken language of prophets prayer of forgiveness and peace be upon them
  198. The Imam’s reply to the questioner sisterPonder over the first ten verses of AlKahf you will find in them the secret of the True Messiah Jesus son of Mary with the companions of the c
  199. Casket of tranquility Peace Ark
  200. Whenever I uphold you with Truth you come to us with another name O father of seven satanic seals
  201. And your Lord says Pray to Me I will answer you
  202. Fatwa of the Imam Mahdi Nasser Mohammad AlYemeni about the young man’s viewing the young woman that he wants proposing for her marriage but with condition
  203. A manifest message from secrets of the Book as a reminder for possessors of understandingminds
  204. Dont you see that the crescent was born before the solar eclipse and it met with it while it just a crescent at the first of the month second Jamad for this year of yours 1438
  205. The solar and lunar computation and the Time computations for the land of the two easts
  206. O Bush Jr and the entire humans flee from Allah to Him and know that Allah is Severe in punishment
  207. From the Imam Nasser Mohammad AlYemeni to community Leaders of the Arabs and the Muslims are you dead! Then respond to that which gives you life
  208. In the name of Allah the All Merciful the Most Merciful
  209. Nearness of the Hour’s occurrence and denial of intercession of the messenger prayer of forgiveness and peace be upon him To Abu Rashed who came once again to dispute with the glorio
  210. Issues about inheritance
  211. The Imam’s reply to the member AlAsifa also the one identified as AlJibal Continue with the supplication until you feel that Allah got pleased with you and forgave you
  212. Only the greatest reward for patience in this world’s life is when you are upon the truth so you would be patient with the deeds that pleases Allah
  213. I swear by Allah the One the Supreme indeed the sun overtook the moon O community of humans and my Lord taught me that this a warning for the humans to whom among them who will go fo
  214. Imam Mahdi declares the disbelief in multiple sects in Allah’s religion
  215. What a wonder — O community of the foreign and Arabs who are turning away from the Book — O Donald Trump the vilest of creatures! I announce to you a painful chastisement
  216. Not lawful the handshake to a woman of other than Maharem in Allah’s law so keep your duty to Allah O possessors of understandingminds
  217. I surely do not speak to you from narratives so you do not have the false argument against us
  218. Selectedquotes of the Imam’s knowledge A beautiful and wonderful deduction for the Awaited Imam Mahdi none denies it except the ignorant one
  219. Story of Moses peace be upon him also AlSamery night of journey by night and ascending and a topic around times of the five prayers the pillar of religion
  220. The authority is not in my own selfbeing neither in my traits nor the story of my life
  221. Praise be to Allah Who showed you the Truth and He will show you facts of His signs so you would recognize it upon the actual reality without doubt nor suspicion
  222. Rising of the sun from its setting place verily this will only occur when passage of planet of chastisement
  223. And none is granted it except those who are patient and none is granted it except the owner of a mighty good fortuneTruthful Allah the Great
  224. You spoke the truth my brother Husain surely they applied this forged narrative inch by inch also yard and beyond while it is a narration that came from other than Allah
  225. The divine wisdom of choosing the method of delivering the message
  226. Surely we will increase knowledge with Truth to those who would be chastised and who are turning away being solicitous on saving them from perishing by the chastisement of a destruct
  227. In fact the planet of chastisement begins the skirmishes with earth by effecting it from a distant place And the skirmishes is the beginning of the minor chastisement before the major
  228. Explanatorystatement with Truth of AlSayha from the sky in the month of Ramadan confirming the True explanatorystatement for the Quran
  229. Flee from Allah to Him — O community of nonArabs and Arabs surely the planet of chastisement has approached O our Allah I have delivered the message O our Allah bear witness
  230. Imam Mahdi did not issue fatwa about the appointed time of Sayha nor Rajfa earthquake and he did not limit the time of the passage of planet of chastisement
  231. My honorable brother who is asking about the demonstrations of Bahrain
  232. A false narration Whoever held firm with my sunna at the corruption of my nation surely for him the reward of one hundred martyrs
  233. The True explanatorystatement for the word Hafiya
  234. Urgent Fatwa to many of the questioners in a request of fatwa about a question with great importance to lift the injustice of the oppressors away from the oppressed orphan Muslims
  235. Explanatorystatement of the Imam Mahdi to Ansar AlSharia and various parties in Yemen and to the Yemeni people government and public
  236. Number of the servants in the kingdom of the Worshiped Lord
  237. Urgent to the entire Arab and foreign leaders and the entire human population We announce to you when is the night of the middle of Shaban for this year of yours and we do not know is
  238. Allah’s curse upon Nasser Mohammad AlYemeni if he forged a lie against Allah that the sun overtook the moon or Allah’s curse upon whom the Truth manifested for him and he rejected an
  239. Reply of the Awaited Mahdi in era of dialogue before the appearing — to doctor Lût who wants to have dialogue with us from behind the curtain
  240. Replies of the Imam to AlJaloudi I give you fatwa with Truth that the khilafat after the prophets is for the most knowledgeable in Allah’s Book
  241. Hello Talal by the number of grains of sand and what an excellent man among the men
  242. The Awaited Mahdi has come but unfortunately he became the one who is waiting for the Muslims to believe him and obey his command!
  243. A reply of the Imam to Mushabib I see you arguing with me about the allegory of few then O Mushabib I bring to you the answer from the decisive Book
  244. A question to the honorable Imam Is there a second AD
  245. More of knowledge to the questioner from the best foremost supporters my beloved in Allah’s love the honored and respected Awad Ahmad Yaqub
  246. Making up the missed fasting in like number of other days
  247. Reply of the Imam to Rajul AlBidaya In respect to the liar messiah satan antichrist who told you that he is confined In fact he is free at will unrestricted
  248. Explanatorystatement for the longest and the greatest oath in the grand Quran
  249. Announcing the warner moon from Allah the One the Supreme to the entire humans to him among you who will go forward or will remain behind so he would follow the Reminder then obey the
  250. And most of them believe not in Allah without associating others with Him