22-09-2014, 01:35 AM
Imam Nasser Mohammad Al-Yemeni
18 - 11 - 1435 AH
13 - 09 - 2014 AD
11:17 pm
More from the explanatory statement of the prayers for the asking from the best foremost supporters..
In the name of Allah the All Merciful, the Most Merciful, forgiveness and peace be upon all the prophets and messengers and their righteous families, from the first one of them to the end seal of them Mohammad the messenger of Allah and those who followed them till the Day of Judgement, after this..
Peace of Allah upon you my beloved best foremost supportive helpers, preceded our declaration that when you pray with the congregation in the mosque as the Sunnis and Al-Jamaa do pray, so you do not desert the houses of Allah because of differences of your prayers, and Allah accepts from you and writes for you more units (rakaat) an additional free-gift (nafilah) for you with your Lord for the fact that you are keen onto the unity of your nation so they acknowledge the Truth, and when you pray alone then pray as we had taught you by the Truth.
Indeed the prayer is two units for each obligatory prayer and surly Zuhr and Asr prayers advanced combining in the time of Zuhr prayer or delayed combining in the time of Asr prayer, and regarding the Sunna prayers it is a salutation to Allah's houses to be performed between the (Adhan) call and the (Eqama) call, and who did not come till the time of Eqama call to pray so he should pray the obligatory then he prays the sunna after the obligatory prayer, and to pray the sunna only after the obligatory for who did not pray the sunna before the Eqama call to the instated prayer which just been made the call for it.
And regarding to those who prayed the Zuhr and Asr prayers advanced combining so only one sunna prayer should be offered for both, if one prayed Zuhr and Asr prayers advanced combination in the mosque so he should do two units (rukaatayn) sunna between the Adhan call for Zuhr prayer and Eqama call for Zuhr prayer, and when he prays Asr and Zuhr delayed combining so he would do their sunna (of both prayers) between Adhan call and Eqama of Asr prayer for the fact the sunnas of the prayers are salutations of Allah's houses two units at the arrival to the instated pray which just been made the call for it, in confirming to the narration of the messenger of Allah Mohammad forgiveness of Allah and peace be upon him and his family: [If one of you entered the mosque he should not sit until he prays two units] Truthful forgiveness and peace be upon him. And he meant at the arriving to the mosque to wait for performance of the prayer so he should not sit until he prays two units and that is the sunna in the houses of Allah only, and there is no a middle (tashahud) declaration in the sunnas (prayer) but the last declaration (tashahud) only.
As we taught you before regarding to the two units there is between them middle (tashahud) declaration between the first and the second (units) as follows:
{Allah bears witness that there is no god but He, and (so do) the angels and those who possess the knowledge, maintaining justice. There is no god but He, the Mighty, the Wise.} [Ãli-´Imrãn] 3:18
{Our Lord, make not our hearts to deviate after You has guided us and grant us mercy from You; surely You are the Grantor.} [Ãli-´Imrãn] 3:8
Then he stands up to perform the second unit, then he recites within himself between the loud utterance and the secret in the self, so not utter loudly nor be silent then he says the last (tashahud) declaration at sitting down:
{Allah bears witness that there is no god but He, and (so do) the angels and those who possess the knowledge, maintaining justice. There is no god but He, the Mighty, the Wise.} 3:18
{Our Lord, make not our hearts to deviate after You has guided us and grant us mercy from You; surely You are the Grantor.} 3:8
Then he says: {Glory be to your Lord, the Lord of Might, above what they describe!(180) And peace be upon the messengers!(181) And praise be to Allah Lord of the worlds!(182)}[Al-Sãffãt] 37:180-183
Then he turns his face to the right so he salutes onto the angel Raqeeb then he turns his face to the left and salutes the angel Ateed without saying their names, only (assalamu alaykom wa rahmatullah) peace be upon you and Allah's mercy, for the fact the two angles replays to you and you do not hear their their reply so they say: (wa alaykom assalam wa rahamtullah wa barakatuh) And peace be upon you and Allah's mercy and His blessings, so they add above that by the supplication for the kneeling and the prostrating ones for their Lord.
And in regarding to the one unit of shortened prayer: if you feared that they attack you those who disbelieved so here one unit for each group as we taught you before. and the declaration to be recited complete at the seating after the first unit (rakaa) for the fact the first group will finish their prayer after the salutation after the first unit (rakaa) therefor they recite the declaration completely the they salute and get up to guard the second group, then their follow up with the Imam the second group which was guarding them so the complete with Imam the second unit (rakaa).
Indeed that your prayers in the houses of Allah is better and more loved to Allah that your prayers in your homes except for the women their prayers in their homes are better for them than their prayers in the mosques.
And peace be upon the messengers, and praise be to Allah Lord of the worlds.
Your brother; Imam Mahdi Nasser Mohammad Al-Yemeni
Please read more from the translated statements written by the Imam Mahdi about the prayers:
اقتباس المشاركة: :
18 - 11 - 1435 AH
13 - 09 - 2014 AD
11:17 pm
More from the explanatory statement of the prayers for the asking from the best foremost supporters..
In the name of Allah the All Merciful, the Most Merciful, forgiveness and peace be upon all the prophets and messengers and their righteous families, from the first one of them to the end seal of them Mohammad the messenger of Allah and those who followed them till the Day of Judgement, after this..
Peace of Allah upon you my beloved best foremost supportive helpers, preceded our declaration that when you pray with the congregation in the mosque as the Sunnis and Al-Jamaa do pray, so you do not desert the houses of Allah because of differences of your prayers, and Allah accepts from you and writes for you more units (rakaat) an additional free-gift (nafilah) for you with your Lord for the fact that you are keen onto the unity of your nation so they acknowledge the Truth, and when you pray alone then pray as we had taught you by the Truth.
Indeed the prayer is two units for each obligatory prayer and surly Zuhr and Asr prayers advanced combining in the time of Zuhr prayer or delayed combining in the time of Asr prayer, and regarding the Sunna prayers it is a salutation to Allah's houses to be performed between the (Adhan) call and the (Eqama) call, and who did not come till the time of Eqama call to pray so he should pray the obligatory then he prays the sunna after the obligatory prayer, and to pray the sunna only after the obligatory for who did not pray the sunna before the Eqama call to the instated prayer which just been made the call for it.
And regarding to those who prayed the Zuhr and Asr prayers advanced combining so only one sunna prayer should be offered for both, if one prayed Zuhr and Asr prayers advanced combination in the mosque so he should do two units (rukaatayn) sunna between the Adhan call for Zuhr prayer and Eqama call for Zuhr prayer, and when he prays Asr and Zuhr delayed combining so he would do their sunna (of both prayers) between Adhan call and Eqama of Asr prayer for the fact the sunnas of the prayers are salutations of Allah's houses two units at the arrival to the instated pray which just been made the call for it, in confirming to the narration of the messenger of Allah Mohammad forgiveness of Allah and peace be upon him and his family: [If one of you entered the mosque he should not sit until he prays two units] Truthful forgiveness and peace be upon him. And he meant at the arriving to the mosque to wait for performance of the prayer so he should not sit until he prays two units and that is the sunna in the houses of Allah only, and there is no a middle (tashahud) declaration in the sunnas (prayer) but the last declaration (tashahud) only.
As we taught you before regarding to the two units there is between them middle (tashahud) declaration between the first and the second (units) as follows:
{Allah bears witness that there is no god but He, and (so do) the angels and those who possess the knowledge, maintaining justice. There is no god but He, the Mighty, the Wise.} [Ãli-´Imrãn] 3:18
{Our Lord, make not our hearts to deviate after You has guided us and grant us mercy from You; surely You are the Grantor.} [Ãli-´Imrãn] 3:8
Then he stands up to perform the second unit, then he recites within himself between the loud utterance and the secret in the self, so not utter loudly nor be silent then he says the last (tashahud) declaration at sitting down:
{Allah bears witness that there is no god but He, and (so do) the angels and those who possess the knowledge, maintaining justice. There is no god but He, the Mighty, the Wise.} 3:18
{Our Lord, make not our hearts to deviate after You has guided us and grant us mercy from You; surely You are the Grantor.} 3:8
Then he says: {Glory be to your Lord, the Lord of Might, above what they describe!(180) And peace be upon the messengers!(181) And praise be to Allah Lord of the worlds!(182)}[Al-Sãffãt] 37:180-183
Then he turns his face to the right so he salutes onto the angel Raqeeb then he turns his face to the left and salutes the angel Ateed without saying their names, only (assalamu alaykom wa rahmatullah) peace be upon you and Allah's mercy, for the fact the two angles replays to you and you do not hear their their reply so they say: (wa alaykom assalam wa rahamtullah wa barakatuh) And peace be upon you and Allah's mercy and His blessings, so they add above that by the supplication for the kneeling and the prostrating ones for their Lord.
And in regarding to the one unit of shortened prayer: if you feared that they attack you those who disbelieved so here one unit for each group as we taught you before. and the declaration to be recited complete at the seating after the first unit (rakaa) for the fact the first group will finish their prayer after the salutation after the first unit (rakaa) therefor they recite the declaration completely the they salute and get up to guard the second group, then their follow up with the Imam the second group which was guarding them so the complete with Imam the second unit (rakaa).
Indeed that your prayers in the houses of Allah is better and more loved to Allah that your prayers in your homes except for the women their prayers in their homes are better for them than their prayers in the mosques.
And peace be upon the messengers, and praise be to Allah Lord of the worlds.
Your brother; Imam Mahdi Nasser Mohammad Al-Yemeni
Please read more from the translated statements written by the Imam Mahdi about the prayers:
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