المساعد الشخصي الرقمي

مشاهدة النسخة كاملة : An announcement of the Awaited Mahdi to all humans that the sun will overtake the moon in the crescent of the month of Safar so keep your duties to Allah the One the All Mighty before

10-11-2014, 11:07 PM

Imam Nasser Mohammad Al-Yemeni

16 - 01 - 1436 AH
09 - 11 - 2014 AD
06:51 am

An announcement of the Awaited Mahdi to all humans that the sun will overtake the moon in the crescent of the month of Safar, so keep your duties to Allah the One the All Mighty before the night precedes the daylight..

In the name of Allah the All Merciful, the Most Merciful, forgiveness and peace be upon all the prophets and messengers with their kind families, from the first one of them to the end seal of them Mohammad the messenger of Allah and upon all the believers in every time and place till the Day of Judgement, after this..

The Awaited Mahdi still in the time of dialogue before the appearance arguing the humans in the sign of the over taking of the sun and the moon, and we are warning the humans that they had entered in the era of the Major signs of the Hour so the crescent was born before the eclipse and the pairing, and the sun meets with it while it just a crescent, and in spite that the legitimate beginning of Safar for this year of yours 1436 was supposed to be on the night of Saturday, but the sun will overtake the moon so the crescent would be born before the pairing so the sun meets with it while it's just a crescent, and upon it non of the humans will see the crescent of the first night of Safar, and the first sightings for the crescent would happen after sunset of Saturday which is the night of Sunday despite that Sunday according to the secrets of overtaking is originally date 2 Safar 1436.

Perhaps on of the astronomers would like to say: "O Nasser Mohammad, how do you declare that Saturday suppose to be the beginning of Safar? But we started the year of Hijra for this year 1436 on Saturday the beginning of Muharram, so how would be the beginning of Safar as well Saturday? Isn't it the date 29 of Muharam is Staurday? Non on the surface of the earth has monitor the beginning of Safar yet after sunset of Friday which is the night of Saturday for the fact that Friday's date is 28 Safar; in fact the monitoring starts after sunset of Saturday which is the night of Sunday". Then the Awaited Mahdi Nasser Mohammad Al-Yemeni replies to all the questioners and I say: Indeed I know what you do not know O assembly of the whole astronomers of the humans altogether the Arab of them and the foreign of them for the fact I know from Allah what you do know that the sun overtook the moon in confirmation to one of the major signs of the Hour and a sign of ratification for the Awaited Mahdi in the time of dialogue before the appearance, and Allah made the moon a judge by the Truth between us, and all the humans in the rural areas and in the modern cities will find the moon of Safar that it would be definitely completed full-moon on the night of Saturday no doubt nor suspicion. Since the phases of the completed full-moon is according to the phases of the crescent's glow on the face of the moon so the question which lays itself; Where would be born the crescent of Safar in its first phase? And perhaps would like to argue with me one of the astronomers who are interested in the nights of the full-moon so he says: "O Nasser I am from the so country, sometimes it is proved the sighting of the crescent at the Commission of Monitoring the Crescents who are specialists in watching the crescent, but sometimes we find the full-moon is completing before the night of the fifteenth of the month; in fact it is completing on the night of the fourteenth of the month, so what is the strange of the matter for we know the reason of its completion before the night of the half by one night though the crescent of the month itself the so county has announced the confirmation of its (sighting)? For example on last Ramadan of 1435 the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia fasted and the whole countries of the Gulf and whoever fasted with them from the Arabian Islamic countries have fasted on Sunday; but the full-moon for the month of Ramadan became complete and did not pass from Ramadan 1435 except thirteenth days, so the moon got full on the night of the fourteenth the night of Saturday according to the fasting of Saudi and who fasted with them from the near by counties except Yemen for the fact they announced the confirmation sighting of Ramadan's crescent so the night of the half became became correct according to the fasting of the people of Yemen, therefore the fullness-completion of the moon was on the night of Saturday the night of the fifteenth of Ramadan according to the fasting the people of Yemen, so is this the overtaking in your calculations O Nassar Mohammad? So is it if the full-moon completed before the night of the half you raise the world up and down calling O assembly of humans the sun overtook the moon? O man didn't the full-moon has completed for the month of Ramadan 1435 on the night of Saturday for the fact it confirmed the sighting of Ramadan's crescent in Yemen and was cloudy over the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia so they completed thirty days of Shabaan? No problem if the moon got full and the Saudis and who fasted with them did not fast except thirteenth days, the important that it was confirmed the sighting of the crescent in Yemen so the moon got full after passing two weeks from fasting of the people of Yemen, which is after finishing fourteen days from the fasting of the people of Yemen, so the moon got full on the night of Saturday the night of the fifteenth from the month of Ramadan according to the fasting of the people of Yemen, therefore it is a normal matter since that Allah created the heavens and the earth and the humans do not see the crescent of the month in one night; in fact people see it and as for other people they do not see it then they finish the counting of the month to thirty days, but the full-moon's completion is being according the first sighting for the crescent of the month, and we just gave an example for you O Nasser the fasting of the people of Yemen and Saudi for the last Ramadan 1435 so the moon got full in its appointed time according to its first from the sighting the calculation of the Commission of Monitoring the Crescents in Yemen, so it got full on the night of the fifteenth which is the night of Saturday, but if we calculated the full-moon according the calculation of who fasted on Sunday we would have found the full-moon got completed and they did not fast except thirteenth days, and the important O Nasser Mohammad is that the full-moon is known at all the humans that it completes the full-moon by the calculation of the date of the first sighting for the first moon's phase on the night of the beginning of the month so what is the strange in the matter O Nasser? And what is wrong with you raising the world up and down since the last ten years! so whenever the full-moon is completed before the night of the half by one night unless you raise the world and put it down!! [O assembly of the humans the sun overtook the moon therefore the full-moon is completed and its not passed from the beginning of the month except thirteenth day], but we showed you the reason O Nasser that the completion of the full-moon is something known that it is and according to the calculation of the first confirmation by them to the sighting of the crescent of the month, so is that the overtaking O Nasser Mohammad?

So then replies the Awaited Mahdi Nasser Mohammad Al-Yemeni upon all the questions from the humans and I say: Far from, very far, I do not mean that, and I know that, and I am not of the ignorant and indeed I know and I am aware and use my mind of what I say so let him know each of Muslim, infidel, polytheist and atheist that it is if the sun overtook the moon so the crescent was born before the pairing then the sun met with it while is just a crescent so it should not be feasible to all the humans upon the surface of the earth to witness the first phase sighting for that month, for the fact the crescent of the first phase was in the state of overtaking for the fact it was born before the pairing and for that most certainly sets before the sunset, so how if the crescent is seen had set before the sunset! even if you possess a microscope enlarging its diameter as like diameter of the moon. but the fact is manifesting to all the humans through that they found the moon completed fullness after passing thirteen days from the confirmation sighting of the first crescent of the month at the first people of the humans, but my severe wounder is that all the astronomers knew in the occurrence of the overtaking and the did not announce the matter to the humans!

Perhaps would like to say the Arab Saudi astronomer the respectable Dr. Zaki the son of Abd Al-Rahman: "Keep your duties to Allah O Nasser Mohammad Al-Yemeni, we are the astronomers if we knew in that the sun overtook the moon as you saythen it would be a duty upon us to announce it to all the Muslims in the worlds for the fact who conceal the true testimony so then surly his heart is sinful. In confirming to the word of Allah the Most High: {And conceal not testimony. And whoever conceals it, his heart is surely sinful.}Truthful Allah the Great [Al-Baqara] 2:283

Then replies the Imam Mahdi upon the questioners from the astronomers and I say: Aren't you sometimes find that the moon sets before the sunset in spite that you know according to your precise astronomical calculations that the crescent of the month just got born, and all the astronomers the physicists indeed they know that the moon meets with the sun in the dark phase and the central pairing for the sun and the moon is in the old (orjoon) dark phase before the phases of the crescent, then the moon separates off the sun so starts being born the new crescent of the month for the fact the moon meets with the sun in the old (orjoon) dark phase before the crescent's phases, and it is what the astronomers name it (Muhaq) effaced, and Allah names it in the decisive great Quran the old (orjoon) the dark phase, indeed that the the old (orjoon) the dark phase is the position of the moon before the crescent's phases of light and the crescent in it is being zero, and since the moon is faster than the sun then you find it separates off the sun directly after the central pairing in the old (orjoon) the dark phase leaving the sun behind it so it starts being born a new crest of the month.

O my wonder from the astronomers, and you are one of them O Zaki the son of Abd Al-Rahman! So how that indeed you know sometimes that the moon will set from the horizon of the honorable Mecca before sunset in spite that you know that it's just been born the new crescent of the month, then you do not realize that the sun overtook the moon so the crescent was born before the pairing and for that it sat before the sunset for the fact that the crescent of the month is in the state of overtaking though the moon just completed its rotation so the new crescent of the month was born a before that it meets with the sun, therefor you find the moon sets before the sunset, and that is the scientific reason by the Truth I declare to you in it about the reason of the moon set before the sunset despite the birth of the crescent of the month.

And I am the Imam Mahdi announcing the challenge to all the astronomers the Arab one of of them and the foreign one of them upon one plain that they come up with the true scientific reason about the reason of the moon set before the sunset despite the advance birth of the crescent of the month, unless that they confess by the Truth from their Lord that the scientific reason by the Truth is actually what declared with it Nasser Mohammad Al-Yemeni that it is a must that the crescent of the new month just was born before the pairing and for that the moon sets before the sun while it is in the position of overtaking for the fact that the sun precedes ahead of the crescent of the month easterly and the crescent flows after her to catch up with her but he is in the state of overtaking because his birth before the eclipse and the pairing, then meets with her while it is just a crescent, then separates from her easterly.

O assembly of the astronomers, I am the Imam Mahdi Nasser Mohammad Al-Yemeni the most knowing in the True explanatory-statement for the great Quran, and each who we argue with him in the field of his specialty of what I know in the True explanatory statement for the great Quran, indeed that the sign of overtaking of the sun and the moon understand it those of the possessors of the mind from the astronomers of whom they do not let their pried to carry them off to sin, and it is not that if the astronomers confessed that the sun really overtook the moon so this is not a declaration of the astronomers that Nasser Mohammad Al-Yemeni is the Awaited Mahdi; but they ratify for themselves, it is not the the mission of the astronomers to declare to the humans that the Awaited Mahdi is Nasser Mohammad Al-Yemeni; but only should not be for them to conceal the testimony at them of what they compass with it of knowledge by the permission of Allah, so they say : "Yes it cleared to us that the sun truly overtook the moon, but we do not know if you are the Awaited Mahdi!" For the fact the declaration to the general Muslims in regard Nasser Mohammad Al-Yemeni is concerning the religious scholars to declare for the worlds that Nasser Mohammad Al-Yemen is the Awaited Mahdi Allah's khalifa on earth, as for for the others besides the scholars so whoever believed it is for his own good and whoever disbelieved it is to his own harm. As for what concerns the astronomers is only the true testimony with them from their Lord that they should acknowledge and to confess that they actually found since a number of years that moon sometimes sets before the sunset despite it its birth then the confess by the True statement for this issue; indeed the scientific reason by the Truth must be that the crescent of the month completed its phases so it was born newly before the pairing and for that it is setting before the sun set despite the birth of the crescent of the month, and the reason of its setting before the sunset must be that it was born before the eclips and the pairing so the sun met with it while it's just a crescent.

And I challenge all the astronomers among the Arabs and the foreign that they come up with the scientific physical logical reason other than the reason in which gave fatwa the Imam Nasser Mohammad Al-Yemeni, in any case some of the overtaking you do not compass knowledge with it except the Imam Mahdi! Then he surprises you in the full-moon nights with the permission of Allah the One the All Mighty, but you notice the occurrence of the overtaking through the early full-moon for the moon which it overtook him the sun in its first phase while you do not know.

And in respect to the appointed times of the lunar eclipse and the solar eclipse it would never change a thing because of the overtaking for it did not change the movement of the earth and the moon, although the secret of the overtaking is in the movement of the sun, and for that you find me since ten years passed and I say: "O community of humans, the Sun just overtook the moon", therefore the secret of the overtaking is in the movement of the sun and which effected its movement is the approaching of the planet of chastisement the Planet Saqar and it is what you name it by the Planet X Nibiru so it became occasionally skirmishes with the sun and you are in unawareness turning away.

Verily by Allah then by Allah then by Allah indeed the planet of chastisement is coming to pass in the sky of your earth and surly will pass over you from the direction of the earth's south so it rains upon the earth flames of fire , so keep your duties to Allah the One the All Mighty and believe that the sun overtook the moon before the night precedes the daylight because of the passage of planet of the chastisement from the glowing planets and not from the lightening plants, it lashes sparks like a palace the size of the sparks! so keep your duties to Allah the One the All Mighty so where if the flight on the night that the night would precede the daylight so the sun would rise from its setting (west) because of the passage of the planet of chastisement in the sky of the plant of humans; the earth, so it burns your land and demolishes your homes over your heads, and if exited your homes so it lashes at you sparks as big as the castle, as if it is yellow ropes. So keep your duties to Allah the One the All Mighty. And I did not forge a lie against my Lord that the passage of the planet of chastisement in my era and yours, and I did not forge a lie against my Lord that the rising of the sun from its setting in my era and yours, as did not forge a lie against my Lord that the sun overtook the moon in ratification to one of the major signs of the Hour and a sign of ratification for the Awaited Mahdi in the era of the dialogue before the appearing.

Perhaps one of the questioners would like to say: "O Nasser Mohammad, I liked your logic, but puzzled me your name (Nasser Mohammad) The fact that the name of Imam Mahdi is Mohammad the son of Abd Allah as the people of Sunna believe or Mohammad the son of Al-Hasan Al-Askari as the Shea believe, but your name is Nasser Mohammad! and we did not ever hear that the name of Imam Mahdi is Nasser Mohammad Al-Yemeni". Then the Imam Mahdi (Nasser Mohammad) replies to the questioners and I say: In fact has preceded the declaration before by the tongue of the seal of the prophets and messengers so he gave you signal in the name of Imam Mahdi that the name Mohammad coincides in it, therefor said forgiveness and peace be upon him: [My name coincides in his name]. As for the coinciding is the compatibility meaning that you will find the name compatible in the name of the Awaited Mahdi (Nasser Mohammad), and in that a magnified wisdom for the fact that Allah would never send the Imam Mahdi a prophet nor a messenger because the seal of the prophets and messengers is Mohammad the messenger of Allah forgiveness and peace of Allah be upon him and his family, surly Allah sends the Awaited Mahdi a supporter to Mohammad the messenger of Allah forgiveness and peace of Allah be upon him and his family, so he argues withe humans by their Reminder the great Quran. And in that the wisdom of the coinciding for the name Mohammad in the name (Nasser Mohammad), so did you comprehend the news so you caught the wisdom from the narration [My name coincides in his name]? It is not the coinciding is meant by it the coincidence (the exact match); in fact all the scholars of the Arabic language and religion surly they know that the coinciding is meant by it the coincidence in fact it is meant by it the compatibility.

In any case, I am the Imam Mahdi Nasser Mohammad Al-Yemeni announcing the challenge in the Truth by the true statement for the great Quran to all the religious scholars that we judge among them in all what there were differing in it by convincing decisive laws we devise it for them from the great Quran and we teach them in what they were not knowing, so we unify their rank and the humans altogether so we make them a one nation upon the straight path, so we find them in the army of humans so we make them a one unified army against the lair messiah (Antichrist) and his armies from the jinn and humans satans and gog and magog.

O worshipers of Allah, by Allah Whose no God other than Him indeed you are in the date of the resurrection day, and it entered on Friday in the date of April 8th 2005 and it is the last day of the world and occurs in it all the major signs of the Hour, and occurs in it the chastisement of the obvious smoke, but that is Friday the day of resurrection and it is in the calculation of Allah's days in the Book. In confirming to the word of Allah the Most High: {And they ask you to hasten on the chastisement, and Allah by no means fails in His promise. And surely a day with your Lord is as a thousand years of what you reckon.(47) And how many a town to which I gave respite while it was unjust, then I seized it! And to Me is the return.(48) Say: O people, I am only a plain warner to you.(49)}Truthful Allah the Great [Al-Hajj] 22:47. O our Allah I just delivered the message O our Allah bear witness.

Perhaps one of the Muslims would like to say: "Slowdown slowdown O Nasser Mohammad, how is it for me to know a certain knowledge that the sun overtook the moon so the crescent was born before the pairing so the sun overtook it in its first phase?". Then replies the Awaited Mahdi to all the Muslims and I say: Can you distinguish the full-moon? And the answer is known all the humans will say: "Yes, how I do not distinguish the full-moon out of the rest phases of the lunar month the first phases of the crescent! So until if it is completed the circle of the moon's surface the first so this means that we are in the night of the half of the month". Then the Imam Mahdi declares to all the questioners and we say: This is what you will see it in the crescent of Safar Al-Asfar so you would find the circle of the moon's face for the night of the half to be completing on the night of Saturday the first night of the full-moon for the month of Safar is the night of Saturday for the fact Saturday is the first beginning of Safar, but non would see the crescent of Safar in it first beginning all the humans upon the surface of the earth for it will be born on the daylight of Friday date 28 from the month of Muharram for this year of yours 1436, and it will set on the night of Saturday while it is in the state of overtaking so it meets with the sun during the daylight of Saturday while it's just a crescent, then passes it before Saturday's sunset, then it would be confirmed its sighting by the naked eye after Saturday's unset on the night of Sunday so it would be the first sighting for Safar's crescent of the month, Then the night of Sunday would be the second night of the full-moon, but the night of the first full-moon will occur after passing thirteen days from starting first announcement of Safar's crescent confirmation, and after ending thirteen days starting from the night of Sunday and after sunset on Friday it would be the first full-moon's night for the month of Safar on the night of Saturday, then you would know that the sun overtook the moon on the first of the month of Safar in ratification for the sign from the major signs of the Hour and a sign of ratification for the Awaited Mahdi Nasser Mohammad Al-Yemeni to who willed to remember so he follows the true statement for the Reminder.

It is just been excused who warned, and to Allah all matters are returned He knows the deceiving eyes and what the chests conceals, and you are still in the era of dialogue before the appearance, so keep your duties to Allah the One the All Mighty, and follow the Reminder before that the night precedes the daylight.

Your brother Imam Mahdi Nasser Mohammad Al-Yemeni


اقتباس المشاركة: : https://mahdialumma.online/showthread.php?p=165091

20-11-2014, 11:18 PM
- 2 -

Imam Nasser Mohammad Al-Yemeni

27 - 01 - 1436 AH
20 - 11 - 2014 AD
05:35 am

A reminder from the Warner the Awaited Mahdi that the sun will overtake the moon in the crescent of Safar for this year of yours 1436..

In the name of Allah the All Merciful, the Most Merciful, forgiveness and peace be upon all the prophets of Allah and His messengers and upon the Imams of the Book and all the believers in the ancient first-comers and the later ones and in the upper assembly until the day of judgement, after this..

Allah's peace, mercy and his blessings be upon you my beloved the best foremost supportive helpers, peace be upon you assembly of the searchers off the Truth, peace be upon us and upon Allah's righteous worshipers. We want to remind you that the crescent of Safar Al-Asfar will be born on Friday at the end of the daylight so it sets before the sunset of Friday while it is in the state of overtaking then the meets withe sun while it's just a crescent in the daylight of Saturday.

Indeed the Truth shall be clearing to you in the reality of the overtaking for the crescent of Safar Al-Asfar through the crescent of Safar being swollen on Sunday, as well would be clarifying to you the reality of the overtaking through the completion of the first quarter to the phases of Safar's crescent so you would find he completion of the first quarter happens after sunset of Friday the night of Saturday, and as well would be clearign to you the total completion of the full-moon which will occur after sunset of Friday the night of Saturday, so be witnesses upon that.

And the question that arise, how this occurred? Wasn't the beginning of Muharram for this year of yours 1436 is Saturday? Isn't it the 29 is Saturday and would not be the sighting of the new month's crescent except after sunset of the 29th from the month? in the meaning of that the twenty ninth definitely is from the number (of days) of the passed month because the twenty ninth is the beginning of the passed month unless that the overtakes the moon consecutively so it would be the beginning of the new month is in the same beginning day of the passed month according to the crescent sighting.

For example, Isn't it the starting of Muharram for this year of yours 1436 according to the sighting of the crescent is Saturday? Then how it would be clearing to you that the beginning of Safar is as well Saturday through the swollen crescent and the completion of the first quarter after sunset of Friday the night of Saturday, and the first nights of the complete full-moon is as well after sunset of Friday the night of Saturday despite that night of Friday would be semi complete full-moon due to the occurrence of the overtaking associated between Friday and Saturday, but Friday's overtaking is on the end of the day of Friday and for this reason the moon would be on the night of Friday semi full-moon. And we do not want to deviate those who does not understand the news except for few therefore we did not mention except the overtaking for the night of Saturday, but I inform all that the night of the half for the complete full-moon is the night of Saturday, so keep your duties to Allah O you who have eyes! and believe in the sign of ratification for the Awaited Mahdi, and follow the True statement for the Reminder before the night precedes the daylight, and be witnesses upon that O assembly of the best foremost supportive helpers.

We say ah ah ah for you we remind and repeat night and day and we call through the world wide internet and say: O assembly of the humans the sun overtook the moon so the crescent was born before the pairing then the sun met with it while it's just a crescent, so have you understood the news? And is there who remember? So keep your duties to Allah O you who have eyes before the night precedes the daylight,

and peace be upon the messengers, and praise be to Allah the Lord of the worlds..
Your brother Imam Mahdi Nasser Mohammad Al-Yemeni


اقتباس المشاركة: : https://mahdialumma.online/showthread.php?p=166495