المساعد الشخصي الرقمي

مشاهدة النسخة كاملة : Ruling of gambling intoxicants and singing poem lyrics

06-07-2015, 04:54 PM
Imam Nasser Mohammad Al-Yemeni

28 - 08 - 1428 AH
11 - 09 - 2007 AD
10:05 pm

Ruling of gambling, intoxicants and singing poem (lyrics)..

In the name of Allah the All Merciful, the Most Merciful, forgiveness and peace be upon Mohammad messenger of Allah and his family, and all the messengers, and who followed them in good fellowship till the day of judgement, after this..

My honorable brother, in regard to singing that goes back to the words of poetry for the singer, so if it was in the glamorizing-praising surely that is being a reason in seducing many of the young ladies and their fall in the low desires then to committing indecency — (god forbid) seeking refuge in Allah — (all this) because of a tape of songs for glamorizing poems and words that shake the passion, so its effectiveness with some young ladies would be as if it’s a magic-charm where one young man gifts her a tape so he says: "Indeed, all what in this tape express what is in my heart towards you." And then she listens to it, surely she follows him, then he lures her because of words of the poems, and poets of glamorizing poems follow them the deviators of young men and young ladies. In confirming with the word of Allah the Most High: {And the poets — the deviators follow them.(224) Don’t you see that they wander in every valley,(225) And that they say that which they do not?(226)}Truthful Allah the Great [Al-Shoura] 26:224-226

Surely they exaggerate in praise of women and the women’s sedition is in the praise and the poet said the truth who says:

They tricked her by their saying belle === and the enticed ones deceives them the praise
A look then smile then greeting === then a talk then appointment then meeting
So keep your duty to Allah in the hearts of the virgins === surely the hearts of the virgins vacant

And based on what the tapes of songs implicate from sedition to the young females surely it is forbidden and its harm is greater than its benefit upon the people, in fact the tapes of glamorizing-praise became nearly 90 percent in the world and it is a way of sedition ways, and perhaps a girl’s reason of her sedition is that a tape of glamorizing-praise was gifted to her, and perhaps a guidance was because of a tape for a knowledgeable one in religion.

And the good of poetry is good and the evil of it is evil, as for the music without words of glamorizing-praise surely I do not forbid it nor I make it lawful, only the sedition in the poems is in the voice of the male singer or the female singer glamorizing poems that incite the passion with utmost incite with people of low desires so it direct his heart to who he loves then he leaves forth to meet who he loves if he can find a way to it, especially if that tape has special memories so it stir-up glooms after the slumber of the volcano as the poet of the glamorizing-praise says: (So it stir-up glooms that the heart had forgot it).

Due to the weakness of human being in front of the storm of passion, so indeed the causes of sedition is forbidden because it is the footsteps of satan as the look, and poetry of praising and a man being alone with a woman, and the free satellite channels other than it of the causes of the sedition are forbidden, and that is not burdening, in fact lightening.

In confirming with the word of Allah the Most High: {And Allah desires to turn to you (mercifully). And those who follow (their) lusts desire that you should deviate (with) a great deviation.(27) Allah desires to make light your burdens, and man is created weak.(28)}Truthful Allah the Great [Al-Nisa] 4:27-28

As for what is beside that of music and singing I surely do not forbid it nor make it lawful, in a sense I keep quiet about it as they kept quiet about it who they were before me, and the meaning of keeping quiet about it because it is of things that Allah kept quiet about it, surely did not come to me a fatwa in Allah’s Book nor the sunna of His messenger, but if we searched about the better we shall find listening to Quran or a tape for a scholar is better than a tape of music: {..And remember your Lord when you forget..}Truthful Allah the Great [Al-Kahf] 18:24

With an exception in what was of singing therein a remembrance of Allah and His glorification, surely this tape is better and an honorable singing, and the reason of honoring it is the remembrance of Allah in it and the glorification for Him as like theses poetic verses of the poetry of Nasser Mohammad Al-Yemeni from before approximately fourteen years, before Allah gives me the knowledge of the Quran and I said verses of poems addressing my Lord in it, and it is:

Non with the Lord the One the Absolute Whom all depend === And was not beget or was begotten
And none in the existence being equal to Him === Before the existence surely my Lord existed
I ask Him forgiveness in the poems I have no intention === If exceeded the boundaries unintentionally
You know in what it contains the intention of the servant === I have an ambitious intention and the sustenance is limited
Longing to nearness to Whom my face prostrating to Him === O Ever-living, the Self-subsisting by Whom all subsist, Ever-lasting and You are the Worshiped
Your remembrance is my bliss a Bliss is Bigger than eternity === Pleasure of Yourself is an unlimited Bliss
My hand is in Your hand and You are the intent and the reliance === Your servant supplicated to You O Who You are a Praised One
For the servant a handcuffed so it is cut off the reinforcement === indeed You give generously upon who has no bounty
In the heart faith in You, O Allah what a provision to me === had not increased me in calamities increased severity
And the praise to You an ever-lasting praise contemporary of eternity === From a sincere heart in both conditions You are Praised
And people’s love in the bounties and the provision === of a palm portion of His generosity is unlimited
And I walk with the people in reforming and the advice === And extinguish fire of sedition I was not supported
And I support Allah, and (Al-Taghout) satan hindering === by the hand and the word, not by the heart being ungrateful
These are my traits; traits of a father and the grandfather === and whoever belie a reality was criticized
There must be a way through for my hops and for the glory === with the permission of my Lord I achieve all what I desire
What my Lord desired surely non repel to what He desired === and what we desire in what he did not desire is rejected
Never despair from Allah (lamana) not when I enter the grave === and the certainty in Allah as the faith interlocked
And I seal my prayer and non-count for it a number === upon Mohammad messenger of Allah being witnessed

These poetic words are glorification and extol the holiness to my Lord I have in it a reward, and the glamorizing-praise is a sin.

As in regard to intoxicants and game of chance, surely are of the forbidden things because it is filth help in succeeding the doing of satan to achieve greater calamities.As for the gambling sows dissensions between them so they fight and some of them may kill others because of eating each others’ money unjustly, and As for intoxicants it arise the lust for indecency and takes away the mind and he may act an action he regrets it throughout life.

As for His word the Most High: {so shun it}Truthful Allah the Great [Al-Ma’eda] 5:90, that is to say shunning the bars that is a cafe for the drunk and the companions of game of chance and it is gambling, and that in order they do not commit what Allah forbidden upon them, and the reason of making it forbidden because of its harm on society is greater than its benefit, and filth of satan’s doing, and filth it makes the heart wicked; the inside face of the human being, if the inside of him got righteous the outward of him got righteous.

As for the birth of the messenger, surely all birthdays celebrations — Allah has not sent down an authority for them, even if it was celebration of descending the Quran, let them mention what was sent down upon them of signs of Al-Furqan,the Discriminator Criterion that is in order for them to not enter in magnifying their prophets then exaggerate in them the associate (with Allah) because of the exaggeration of their magnifying to their prophets.

Your brother Imam Nasser Al-Yemeni



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