المساعد الشخصي الرقمي

مشاهدة النسخة كاملة : Warning to all supporters in various regions to not say what I did not say it in regard of the crescents of the major overtaking and I call the humans to bear witness against who violat

15-07-2018, 06:01 PM
Imam Nasser Mohammad Al-Yemeni

2 - Dhul Qadah - 1439 AH
15 - 07 - 2018 AD
10:49 am
(According to the official time of [Mecca] mother of towns)


Warning to all supporters in various regions to not say what I did not say it in regard of the crescents of the major overtaking and I call the humans to bear witness against who violates the command, and Allah is sufficient as Witness..

In the name of Allah the All Merciful, the Most Merciful, prayer of forgiveness and peace be upon my grandfather Mohammad the chosen prophet, and his virtuous family who followed his course, and upon his best companions, and upon all the followers till the last day, after this..

O community of Supporters in various regions, the announcement has preceded about entering era of the major overtakes yet — O supporters — you did not understand the news of the Awaited Mahdi! Verily, take caution, take caution — O Al-Wassabi and Alaaddin, and all honored supporters, do not say speak of your Imam what he did not speak of it; in fact, publish the explanatory-statement as I wrote the overtaking for the crescent of Dhul Qadah month for this year of yours starting from sunset of Thursday the night of Friday, and take what I commanded with that you announce my explanatory-statement to the humans about the first fore-beginning of overtaking that the sun overtook the moon and the crescent was born before the eclipse then the sun met with it while it’s just a (new) crescent, and I did not say in my explanatory-statement about confirming or not confirming the crescent of Dhul Qadah fearing the sedition of the supporters from lies of the forgers in committees of inquire the falsifiers, so why do you not holdfast in my fatwa — O you who write a statement other than my explanatory-statement?! And it is not that you change a thing in my explanatory-statement and only your comments is a cause in seducing yourselves and seducing the Truth seekers, as if I am who issued fatwa about it — O beloved of my heart Ahmed Al-Wassabi! Despite that you are from my supporters undoubtedly , but — O man, when I manifest the overtaking sign you should only follow me and do not add on that a thing, and leave the philosophy, surely you are not more knowledgeable than the Imam Mahdi, indeed a mistake has been committed by Alaaddin about crescent of Shawwal, and a mistake committed by Ahmed Al-Wassabi about the crescent of Dhul Qadah for the year 1439 despite the intensity of clarity of my explanatory-statements, and they forced me by commenting with another explanatory-statement in regard to the crescent of Dhul Qadah for this year of yours 1439 that it was born on the night by end of Thursday the night of Friday, and the moon of Dhul Qadah went down while it is in the state of overtaking and the matter would have been usual if it went down by the end of Shawwal; in fact I said to you: Crescent of Dhul Qadah will go down at sunset of Thursday while it is in the state of overtaking, as that the going down of crescent of Dhul Qadah at sunset of Saturday while it is as well in the state of overtaking, and I only want to speak about the crescent’s phase on the second of Dhul Qadah the night of Saturday because of lies of the forgers about the sighting of the crescent sets as that while it is in the state of overtaking as the legal committees did in the Arabic Egypt, and this is the second forgery, so how can you see it while you did not see it nor the most remote Arab country; Morocco the Arabic country have not seen it by the entire committees for monitoring the crescent of Dhul Qadah for this year of yours 1439? In spite that the Imam Mahdi preceded an announcement from him for the crescent’s birth of Dhul Qadah on evening (by end) of Thursday the night of Friday when it shows up for the humans swollen then they will know how old it is the crescent of Dhul Qadah.

Surely I am not of the ignorant ones — O my beloved ones in Allah’s love Ahmed Al-Wassabi and Alaaddin Nooraddin, so do not take away the miracle of the major overtaking because of lack of your understanding for it, and holdfirm with the complete full-moon after sunset of Thursday the night of Friday and after sunset on Saturday the night of Sunday.

And what I want to say it to Ahmed Al-Wassabi that when the purification (with the pure water) is present then invalid the dusting with pure sand, so do not add over my explanatory-statement to teach the people how is the overtaking as if you are more knowledgeable than the Awaited Mahdi Nasser Mohammad Al-Yemeni! And I still hide something from secrets of overtaking, that so the Imam Mahdi be unrivaled about the moment of crescent of the month while it is in the state of overtaking, so let me uphold the argument against the astronomers it is better for you — O my brother Ahmed, surely you are not more knowledgeable than the Imam Mahdi Nasser Mohammad Al-Yemeni, may Allah save you and guide you, verily say we hear and obey — O my Imam.

O joy of the eye, this is not a political criticism; in fact (it is) arguing about a visible and dazzling cosmic sign and a rectification condition from the major conditions of the Hour and for the signs of ratification for the Awaited Mahdi Nasser Mohammad Al-Yemeni.

In any case, what we issue fatwa of that the night of the first complete full-moon for middle of month Dhul Qadah is after sunset of Thursday the night of Friday from before the eclipse, so what is the matter with you that you are about do not comprehend a word? So do not add a thing from yourselves in the explanatory-statements of the new overtaking because your mistake would be considered against the Imam Mahdi Nasser Mohammad Al-Yemeni despite that I did not issue fatwa in what you issue fatwa in regard of the overtaking, and leave the night of the complete full moon after sunset of Thursday the night of Friday it is the one who will speak to the humans or will company it an exemplary chastisement, and leave the matter to Allah about the time of chastisement. So keep your duty to Allah — O possessors of understanding-minds. O our Allah, I have delivered the message. O our Allah, bear witness.

..And peace be upon the messengers, and praise be to Allah Lord of the worlds
.Allah’s khalifa and His servant; the Imam Mahdi Nasser Mohammad Al-Yemeni



اقتباس المشاركة: : https://mahdialumma.online/showthread.php?p=290815