المساعد الشخصي الرقمي

مشاهدة النسخة كاملة : A Final Reminder to All Humans that the Sun has Caught up With the Moon so that those who perish would perish upon evidence and those who live would live upon evidence

29-04-2020, 01:43 AM
A Final Reminder to All Humans that the Sun has Caught up With the Moon, so that those who perish would perish upon evidence and those who live would live upon evidence

Imam Nasser Mohammad Al-Yamani

5th RAMADAN - 1441 AH
28th – 04 – 2020 AD

11:10 am
According to the official time of [Mecca] mother of towns

In the name of Allah, Ar-rahmaan (the Most Gracious), the Most Merciful. May Allah's blessing be upon all messengers of Allah; from the first of them to the last of them, Mohammad the messenger of Allah, and upon the believers who followed them among the former and the later people, and those in the higher assembly until The Day when mankind will stand before the Lord of the worlds. We do not differentiate between any of Allah’s Messengers, and we are Muslims (in submission) to Allah

O mankind, the Muslims amongst you and the disbelievers, I am The guided Imam Nasser Mohammad Al-Yamani, the Caliph of Allah on the worlds, how many times have I warned you for the last fifteen years that the Sun has caught up with the Moon! and that the birth of the waxing crescent occurred before the new moon syzygy (the alignment of the Sun-Earth-Moon-system) and that the alignment of the Sun Moon Earth occurred while the moon is already in a waxing crescent phase, it is a warning to mankind and one of the mighty signs of the Hour for whomever wills among you to go forward to follow the Holy Qur’an and submit to the Caliph and the servant of Allah, the Guided Imam Nasser Mohammad Al-Yamani, or choose to remain behind and not believe in the Holy Qur’an and disobey Allah and His messenger and refuse to submit and obey the Caliph and the servant of Allah, the guided Imam Nasser Mohammad Al-Yamani, until Allah afflicts him with a severe torment. And may the curse of Allah be upon the liars

Maybe all the astrophysicists among mankind, Arabs and non-Arabs might want to say: O Nasser Mohammad Al-Yamani, indeed you have disputed with us and lengthened dispute with us over the years saying: ‘The Sun has caught up with the Moon and the birth of the waxing crescent occurred before the new moon syzygy and that the alignment occurred while the moon is already in a waxing crescent phase’. And all of us; the astrophysicists among mankind, Arabs and non-Arabs, turned away from you, Nasser Mohammad. And here you are announcing the final warning for whomever among humans who wills to go forward to follow your call to Allah, or remain behind until Allah, The All Subduer, afflicts him with a severe torment, as you claim to be the Caliph of Allah on earth over the nations of the world according to your claims. So are you a scholar of religion or are you specialised in Astrophysics and astronomy? O man, as for religious juristic matters regarding the religion of God, it is the concern of scholars of religion. While regarding astronomical matters, it is the concern of those who specialise in the astronomical physics regarding the movement of the sun and the moon among the scientists of mankind, whether they are Muslims or non-Muslims. We astrophysics scientists are not in disagreement, especially regarding the alignment of the sun and the moon at the time of the new moon syzygy at the end of the lunar month. You will not find any disagreement between us when it comes to pinpointing the exact time of the central alignment of the sun and the dark new moon after the reflected light of the moon is gone at the end of the previous month. You will not find any disagreement among all astronomers, even a disagreement of one second, as the central alignment of the sun, the moon and the Earth happens at one exact moment globally. So do you believe in the knowledge we have in the age of knowledge of astronomy regarding the movement of the sun, the moon and the Earth

Then I, Imam Mahdi Nasser Mohammad Al-Yamani, who have been given by God the knowledge of the Book, the Holy Qur’an, reply and say: Do not accept what the Imam Nasser Mohammad Al-Yamani says if you find that I am disputing with you from the knowledge found in your books. Nay, but I do so from the clear verses of the Holy Qur’an and I speak to each one of you, from the Qur’an, in his field of scientific specialism

O astronomers, the astronomical rule in the clear verses of the Qur’an regarding the phases of the moon is clear even before you were encompassed with your knowledge. Allah the Exalted said
وَآيَةٌ لَهُمْ اللَّيْلُ نَسْلَخُ مِنْهُ النَّهَارَ فَإِذَا هُمْ مُظْلِمُونَ (37) وَالشَّمْسُ تَجْرِي لِمُسْتَقَرٍّ لَهَا ذَلِكَ تَقْدِيرُ الْعَزِيزِ الْعَلِيمِ (38) وَالْقَمَرَ قَدَّرْنَاهُ مَنَازِلَ حَتَّى عَادَ كَالْعُرْجُونِ الْقَدِيمِ (39) لا الشَّمْسُ يَنْبَغِي لَهَا أَنْ تُدْرِكَ الْقَمَرَ وَلا اللَّيْلُ سَابِقُ النَّهَارِ وَكُلٌّ فِي فَلَكٍ يَسْبَحُونَ
صدق الله العظيم, [يس: 37-40]
And a sign to them is the night, We strip from it the day, so they are left in darkness. (37) And the sun runs to a stopping place for it, that is the determination of the All-Mighty, the All Knowing. (38) And the moon, We have determined for it stages (phases) until it returns to its first old Urjoon (New Moon phase). (39) It is not for the Sun to catch up with the Moon, nor for the night to overtake the day. And all (of them) in an orbit are swimming. (40)
[Surah: 36- Ya-Seen- Verses: 37-40]

And here is the true clarification; I am obligated to say nothing about Allah except the truth. Regarding the Word of Allah The Exalted
(37)وَآيَةٌ لَّهُمُ اللَّيْلُ نَسْلَخُ مِنْهُ النَّهَارَ فَإِذَا هُم مُّظْلِمُونَ
And a sign to them is the night, We strip from it the day, so they are left in darkness. (37)
Stripping here means the passing of the daytime. I find that the calculating of the day in the Book starts at the time of sunset so they are left in darkness after the Sun sets. So from the time of the sunset to the next sunset is one day. As for the stages (phases) of the Moon, the first phase of the month starts from seeing the waxing crescent after the sunset as the month starts when the waxing crescent is seen, just like what happens on the first night of fasting, because the moon left the alignment with the Sun and moved towards the East. That is when the phases of visible crescents start after the sunset, as the Moon moves towards the East leaving the Sun to run after it towards the East. The Sun is running behind it slowly while the Moon is moving further from it until the Moon reaches the point of the East while the Sun is at the West, which happens when the Moon is at the phase of Full Moon… that is when the Moon appears from the East as the Sun is setting in the West at the western horizon

So the Full Moon phase starts in the evening of the 14th of the month, which is the night of the 15th. And the first night of the full Moon starts after the sunset on the 14th of the month, the night of the 15th of it. The Full Moon continues from the start of the night of the 15th until the end of the night of the 16th of the month. And these nights are called the white nights as the Full Moon can be seen with the naked eye. While, when there is a Major catching up for the Sun with the Moon, the full moon can be seen over three nights with the naked eye

Then it starts to decrease to a waning gibbous from the night of the 17th turning round towards the sun until it finally reaches the New Moon phase and aligns with the Sun during the dark New Moon phase after the phases of the previous month have passed. So it aligns with the Sun (the new moon syzygy) while it is completely dark. Allah calls this the First Old Urjoon in the clear Verses of the Qur’an, as it was a New Moon before the phases of the previous month had passed. This is how it has always been for the movement of orbits of the Sun and the Moon since Allah created the heavens and the Earth. It is not for the Sun to catch up with the Moon and the waxing crescent is not to be born while the sun is more eastward than the Moon. Nor is it for the night to overtake the day, and outstrip it from the east which causes the East to become the West and the West to become the East because the spinning of Earth changed. So, instead of the Earth spinning from the West to the East, it spins from the East moving towards the West, because at that point the East will become the West point and West will become the East. Meaning: we will see the Sun rising from the direction of the West and setting in the direction of the East

O my beloved ones in the love of Allah, those among you who deny the movement of the Earth, I swear by Allah who no God but He, that if Allah stops the Earth from spinning, one side of the world would be in sunlight until the day of resurrection and the other side will be in a lasting night until the day of resurrection. So, do not debar people from following the Book with your ignorance. As people will think that the Arabic Quran says that the Earth is not spinning. Nay, you think Earth is still but it passes away like the passing of the clouds, moving through space, the handiwork of Allah Who has made everything thoroughly; Exalted is He above whatever you say unto Him without the truth and avert mankind from believing in the Holy Qur’an, an utter aversion because of the ignorance of those who deny that earth spins around its axis every 24 hours. Do you not fear God? So do not say unto Allah what you do not know

I do not want this statement to be lengthy, I have written many statements before clarifying the Qur’an using the Qur’an, and I have explained everything in detail and have brought forth to you the clarifying verse which clarify other verses in the same subject. I swear to you by Allah, The Great, it never crossed my mind that I will ever be knowledgeable of the true clarification of the Qur’an, and that no knowledgeable person argues with me from the Qur’an but that I prevail upon him with the authority of knowledge that silences everyone with reason!

It is a clear Qur’an to those who reached their rectitude, as it is a clarification of the Quran with the Qur’an. And we have explained things in detail for those who want to be guided to the ways of peace between humans amongst each other, and we guide those ones towards The Most Gracious in the way of the pleasure of Allah. That to you is the Guided Imam, the man that Allah taught the thorough clarification of the Qur’an, the Most knowledgeable of the Book, taught by He who has chosen him as His Caliph of the world

We go back to the universal sign of the Sun catching up with the moon; ask O people; when did the Moon return to the First Old Urjoon in the last lunar month of Shabaan? Astronomers will answer you with no disagreement among them that it returned to the alignment position at 2:26am GMT after the midnight of Thursday night, meaning: it was at the dawn at 5:26am according to the time of Mecca. Then ask you; is it not that the dark First Old Ujroon is where there is no light reflected from the surface of the moon according to your accurate knowledge of astronomy which no two sensible people would differ about? But Nasser Mohammad Al-Yamani has announced previous to that that the Sun has caught up with the moon, a universal sign to believe in his affair being the Caliph of Allah to the world

And he said in a statement prior to that, that the waxing crescent of Ramadan 1441 AH was born in the morning of Wednesday while the Sun was to the East of it. And that it set at the sunset of Wednesday, the night of Thursday while it was the waxing moon of Ramadan, not while it was the waning crescent of the previous month. And that the Sun was aligned with the moon Thursday at dawn while it was a waxing crescent. Meaning; Thursday night was the night of the 1st of Ramadan for this year 1441 AH

And that Imam Nasser Mohammad Al-Yamani said that most astronomers already know about this event happening in reality, and they kept this discourse secret. And it will be clear to us the truth of what Nasser Mohammad Al-Yamani is saying about the beginning of Ramadan when the first full Moon night on Wednesday arrives, the night of Thursday. Who did witness seeing the waxing crescent of Ramadan in the evening of Wednesday, the night of Thursday, whether in the East or the West of Earth? So, if Nasser Mohammad Al-Yamani is truthful, surely the world will see the Full Moon of Ramadan appearing Wednesday evening, the night of Thursday; as the first night of the month falls on the same day of the week as does the night of middle of the month. The waxing crescent of Ramadan was in a state of Edrak (Being caught by the sun) and no one in the world saw it then. Even Nasser Mohammad Al-Yamani did not fast Thursday despite him knowing that the first night of fasting was Thursday night, but the waxing crescent of Ramadan on its first night Thursday, did set before the sunset of Wednesday evening, the night of Thursday while it being the crescent of the new month (Ramadan) and not the waning crescent of the end of the previous month (Shabaan). So, if Nasser Mohammad Al-Yamani is truthful, surely the Full moon will be complete Wednesday evening, the night of Thursday, that is if he is truthful about Edrak (the sun catching up with the moon) and that the waxing crescent was born before the global moment of alignment and that the sun aligned with the moon while it was a waxing crescent. And if the full moon does not occur Wednesday evening, the night of Thursday, indeed the curse of Allah, the angels and all people will be upon Nasser Mohammad Al-Yamani

Then Imam Nasser Mohammad Al-Yamani replies and says: It will become clear to you the truth about Edrak (The sun catching up with the moon) after you witness the first Full Moon of Ramadan after the sunset of Wednesday, the night of Thursday, but those among you who are too proud and do not believe the universal sign, verifying the true Caliph of Allah on earth, after they have been convinced but were too arrogant to acknowledge the Caliph of Allah, The Guided Nasser Mohammad Al-Yamani, and after they have been convinced by the truth that the first day of Ramadan was actually Thursday and that this is why the Full Moon will appear Wednesday evening, the night of Thursday, for those who belie this sign from Allah I was commanded in the Quran to give them the tidings of a painful torment

Why would they not believe the Caliph of Allah, Nasser Mohammad Al-Yamani, after Allah will have verified what he has said about the full moon? And they do not know that the first night of Ramadan was indeed Thursday. But the Sun has caught up with the moon and no one saw the Moon on Wednesday the 29th of Shabaan, the night of Thursday, and that will be clear to you through the Full Moon at sunset on Wednesday, the night of Thursday, clear to all those who have reached their rectitude among mankind, whether Muslims or non-Muslims

In line with the Word of Allah the Exalted
فَلَا أُقْسِمُ بِالشَّفَقِ ﴿16﴾ وَاللَّيْلِ وَمَا وَسَقَ ﴿17﴾ وَالْقَمَرِ إِذَا اتَّسَقَ ﴿18﴾ لَتَرْكَبُنَّ طَبَقًا عَن طَبَقٍ ﴿19﴾ فَمَا لَهُمْ لَا يُؤْمِنُونَ ﴿20﴾ وَإِذَا قُرِئَ عَلَيْهِمُ الْقُرْآنُ لَا يَسْجُدُونَ [۩]
﴿21﴾ بَلِ الَّذِينَ كَفَرُوا يُكَذِّبُونَ ﴿22﴾ وَاللَّهُ أَعْلَمُ بِمَا يُوعُونَ ﴿23﴾ فَبَشِّرْهُم بِعَذَابٍ أَلِيمٍ ﴿24﴾
صدق الله العظيم [الإنشقاق16-24]
So I swear by the twilight redness, (16) and [by] the night and who gathered to witness, (17) and [by] the moon when it becomes full (18) [That] you will surely ride a planetary state from a planetary state. (19) So what is it with them [that] they do not believe, (20) And when the Qur'an is recited to them, they do not prostrate? (21) But those who disbelieved belie, (22) And Allah is most knowing of what they understand. (23) So give them tidings of a painful punishment (24)
[Surah: 84- Al-Enshiqaq - Verses: 16-24]

O Allah, You know of what they understand to be the truth from their Lord until the arrogant are afflicted with a painful torment. I give them the tidings of a painful torment from their Lord on top of the torment, which they call Corona virus, that they are under. O Allah, forgive and be merciful to the weak and those who were wronged in the world and judge between me and the arrogant ones among the decision makers and their government members and whoever is of the like of them among mankind, whether Muslims or non-Muslims and You are the best of Deciders and the swiftest in taking account. Indeed we belong to Allah, and indeed to Him we will return. So, how could I grieve for the guilty people! And peace be upon the messengers and praise be to Allah, Lord of the worlds

O the supporters in all Arab and non-Arab countries, focus exclusively on delivering only this statement to all international channels like, Aljazeera, Al-Arabiya, BBC Arabic, American CNN, and all news websites and Arabic channels and websites and through twitter. And focus on translating this Statement into English and Persian only as you do not have much time to publish this statement which is of utmost importance. And do not set a time for the torment and leave it, as its matter is only of Allah’s concern. And to Allah all matters return, even if the torment is near.

The Caliph and the servant of Allah, The Imam Mahdi Nasser Mohammad Al-Yamani

Translated by: Danny KADDOURA
Edited by: Tracy SIDDALL & Deena ADEL

Translated from the Arabic Statement:=
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