المساعد الشخصي الرقمي

مشاهدة النسخة كاملة : Important general answer to all inquisitors and grand admonishes for the worlds

14-06-2020, 04:24 PM
Imam Nasser Mohammad Al-Yemeni

12 - Shawwal - 1441 AH
04 - 06 - 2020 AD
10:12 am
(According to the official time of [Mecca] mother of towns)

Original post written by Abdul Aziz Abdul Malik

Allah’s peace, mercy and His blessings be upon you

I am your brother of whom are interested in the explanatory-statements of Imam Nasser Mohammad Al-Yemeni, and this is out of logic of searching about knowing and the knowledge for the sake of reaching to the Truth in which the people disagreed

But I have some inquiries, and I hope that your chest is wide for it and that is what I expect, Allah is willing

Imam Nasser issued fatwa in three consecutive explanatory-statements in Ramadan for the year 1437 AH that fasting and breaking the fast would be as following to the legitimate sighting and this is confirming with the word of Allah the Most High: [Whoever of you saw (crescent) of the month then he should fast] and the ((prophetic narration)): If you saw it then fast, and if you saw it then break the fast, yet if it got cloudy for you then make estimation for it. These words has been agreed on it

But he added and emphasized a very important matter: it is that the month does not exceed thirty days and the addition in the month is from the Jews doing.

For this it is impossible that the month of Shaban exceeds thirty days and in case of lack seeing the crescent for any reason yet Shaban became thirty days then definitely we fast the following day and the same matter at the end of Ramadan if we do not see the crescent on the night that follows the thirty days of Ramadan then we break our fast because it is exceeding thirty days

These are some texts of those explanatory-statements

I call on Allah to witness and Allah is sufficient as witness that I will break the fast with my supporters in various regions of the Arabian countries and the Islamic on Tuesday to the fact whether you acknowledge in the Truth or you did not knowledge, verily it should not be for the month of Ramadan to be in it the Jewish (Al-Nasio) inserting addition,verily we would never make thirty one days, don't you keep your duty? O our Allah, I just delivered the message. O our Allah, bear witness.

Only we were permitting you to complete with your people the number of Ramadan’s days; thirty days, but as for that we allow for you to bypass the thirty days the number of days of the month of Ramadan far from, very far, then far from, very far! And the judgement is Allah’s the Best of deciders, and peace be upon the messengers, and praise be to Allah Lord of the worlds.

And this text in the explanatory-statement that follows it:

In the name of Allah the All Merciful, the Most Merciful, prayer of forgiveness and peace be upon Allah’s messenger Mohammad, prayer of Allah’s forgiveness and peace be upon him and his family said: [If you saw it then fast, and if you saw it then break the fast, if it got cloudy over you then estimate for it] Truthful prayer of forgiveness and peace be upon.

Till he said:

But the sighting of it is confirmed after sunset of Monday nonetheless perhaps they turned-down the testimony of the witnesses because the fatwa of the astronomers or that did not see it because of clouds or fog, or cloudiness of dust, so here ends the estimation for the fact you knew that the night of Tuesday is the first of Shawwal’s month so it should not be for the month of Ramadan or other than it to exceed thirty days.

But he meaning Imam Nasser, gave fatwa in this year that it should not be for us to begin the fast or breaking the fast except by the crescent sighting even if we complete the month thirty (days) or thirty-one or thirty-two and this is a text from the explanatory-statement that is by the title: Fatwa from Allah forbidding the fast of month of Ramadan until you witness the sighting of crescent of month of Ramadan

O community of decision makers in the Muslim countries, if there is still as much as weight of an atom of Islam (left) in your chests to Lord of the worlds then abide by Allah’s command regarding the initiation of fasting month of Ramadan! Surely Allah has forbidden to you the month of Ramadan's fasting until it’s proven to you the sighting of Ramadan’s crescent a legitimate visual confirmation as ratification to Allah’s command to you in His decisive Book the grand Quran in the word of Allah the Most High: {So whoever of you witnessed (crescent) of the month, he shall fast therein..}Truthful Allah the Great [Al-Baqarah] 2:185; in a sense that Allah forbade you starting fast of Ramadan until you see the crescent of Ramadan appeared to you and each is according to the horizon of his setting (sight), so whoever the crescent of Ramadan appeared to them after sunset on the twenty ninth of Shaban; night of thirtieth, or after sunset of thirtieth of Shaban; the night of thirty-one, or after sunset on of thirty-two; night of thirty-three. Indeed, by Allah, then by Allah, then by Allah, it is forbidden to you in the decisive Book of Allah to begin fasting the month of Ramadan until you witness the crescent sighting of Ramadan month in front of the detectors’ eyes with the (most) certain eye.

Is this copying or backing away or my own misunderstanding?

..Important general answer to all inquisitors and grand admonishes for the worlds

And Allah’s peace, mercy and His blessings be upon you. O my beloved for Allah’s pleasure; the questioner: There is no contradiction in the True explanatory-statements, but the overtaking is two types; a minor overtaking that occurs at first of the month only, then you found us at the initiation of the overtaking we announce the impossible crescent sighting at the end of the month to the fact it occurred at the beginning of it while they do not know, but after the humans enter into the major overtaking then here the matter changes because the overtaking became occurring at the first of the month and at the end of it; in a sense, an overtaking at the first of the month and overtaking follows it at the first of the next month. As that an easterly overtaking at the east side; which occurs at the east direction before sunrise, as well the western overtaking that occurs at sunset by the west side.

As for us we do not fast except by sighting the crescent, they only were denying the impossible crescent to the fact they do not know about the overtaking that occurs at the beginning of month of Ramada, and they refute the witnesses of the impossibility (stated by) the scientists of astronomy and sighting of the impossible crescent, but after the humans entered into the consecutive major overtaking(s) at first of the month and the end of it, then here the matter changes, and the matter will clear to the entire humans on the upcoming solar eclipse; first of Dhul Qi'dah to the fact the sun will overtake the moon so the crescent would be born before the eclipse the the sun would meet with it while it’s a newly crescent, surely here the Truth will come under light to all by judgement from Allah by the decisive word and it is not a joke.

We warn the humans from the great solar explosion on the first of some month, the crescent would be born before the eclipse then the sun would meet with it while it is a newly crescent, then the Truth will come under light, yet we do not specify the month in which the solar explosion would occur, while the sun and moon are in state of overtaking for the fact the crescent will be born before the eclipse and the sun meets with the moon while it is a newly crescent, at the same point of meeting then a great solar explosion would occur, and I say in some month without me identifying the intended month; in fact we say in some month in the near (future), and in particular on the fore-beginning of some month an overtaking would occur so the crescent would be born before the eclipse then sun would meet with the moon while it is a newly crescent, then a huge explosion will occur. It is sufficient pointing out the solar explosion on the fore-beginning of some lunar month without specifying. Indeed, the wisdom belongs to Allah and He is the Best of deciders, and the successive signs of chastisement has over shadowed you while you are still hesitating in doubt. Oh our Allah I delivered the message. Oh our Allah bear witness.

And peace be upon the messengers, and praise be to Allah Lord of the worlds..

Allah’s servant and His khalifa; Imam Mahdi Nasser Mohammad Al-Yemeni.


اقتباس المشاركة: : https://mahdialumma.online/showthread.php?p=331016