المساعد الشخصي الرقمي

مشاهدة النسخة كاملة : O our Allah I have delivered the message that the sun overtook the moon so the crescent is born before the eclipse and the sun met with it while it’s a newly crescent

05-07-2020, 08:40 AM
Imam Nasser Mohammad Al-Yemeni

13 - Dhul Qida - 1441 AH
04 - 07 - 2020 AD
11:31 pm
(According to the official time of [Mecca] mother of towns)

O our Allah, I have delivered the message that the sun overtook the moon, so the crescent is born before the eclipse, and the (sun) met with it while it’s a newly crescent

In the name of Allah the All Merciful, the Most Merciful, Originator of the heavens, earth, moon and stars being driven by His command, prayer of forgiveness and peace be upon the seal of the prophets and messengers (being sent) with His Reminder; Allah’s messenger Mohammad -prayer of Allah’s forgiveness and peace be upon him and all believers among the ancient ones, among the later ones and among the upper assembly, till judgement day, after this..

O community of humans, since that the sun overtook the moon, and the crescent is born before the eclipse, and the sun met with it while it’s a newly crescent, so this night the night of Sunday is definitely the first of full-moon nights, night of the middle for month of Dhul Qida for this year of yours 1441 according to the overtaking. For that, you now see the moon of month Dhul Qida truly reached the stage of full-moon to the viewers among the entire humans (looking) at it on the evening of Saturday (which is) night of Sunday; a miraculous cosmic sign. Is this magic or you do not see? O our Allah, I have delivered the message.. O our Allah, bear witness. Indeed, Judgement and command is Yours. O our Allah, judge with justice between us and You are the Bes of deciders.

O community of supporters, I do not prevent you from photographing the full-moon to follow the completion of (dark) thin-part of (the moon) is (within) hours to complete (the glow) of first full-moon on this night of Sunday till dawn due to those who argue with you about the (dark) thin-part of (the moon) while they know that the (dark) thin-part of (the moon) does not come except on night of full-moon entering into phase of full-moon on night middle of the month so it would be completed in the same night. Astronomers know this for sure, and it cleared to all astronomers that the sun truly overtook the moon, and the crescent was born before the eclipse, then the sun met with it while it’s a newly crescent. So they either acknowledge the Truth about what concerns them that the sun truly overtook the moon, and the crescent was born before the eclipse, and it is what they call it the central pairing while its name in the decisive Quran is the old Orjoon and it is (Muhaq) wiped-out the moon’s glow for the previous month, and since Allah created the heavens and earth it should not be for the sun to overtake the moon nor the night precedes the daylight while each flows in its orbit until time enters into era of major signs of the Hour so the sun would overtake the moon because the crescent's birth before the eclipse and the sun met with it in the old (Orjoon) dark phase while it is a newly crescent. This causes swelling of the crescents and the early full-moon before the astronomical night of middle of the month according to its awaited legitimate sighting in every month as a warning to humans, and the warning was repeated to the entire humans, also the entire humans noticed that the moon became getting full before the awaited night of the middle according to its proven legitimate sighting by the entire humans, then some of the arrogant astronomers among them has mislead them about the warner while they know the sure knowledge that the sun truly overtook the moon so the crescent would be born before the central pairing, and the sun met with it while it;s a newly crescent.

And some of the astronomers knew about the overtaking sign yet they were silent, and who is more unjust than who concealed a testimony he has from Allah? Also some astronomers argue falsely after it cleared to them that it is the truth, isn’t judgement for Allah and He is the Swiftest in reckoning and He is the Best of deciders with justice? So who would shield the arrogant ones from chastisement of Lord of the worlds? Allah is sufficient for me — there is no God except He — I rely upon Him, and He is Lord of the great throne.

..And peace be upon the messengers, and praise be to Allah Lord of the worlds
.Allah’s khalifa and His servant; Imam Mahdi Nasser Mohammad Al-Yemeni

اقتباس المشاركة: : https://mahdialumma.online/showthread.php?p=332220