المساعد الشخصي الرقمي

مشاهدة النسخة كاملة : O community of non Arabs and the Arabs distress will intensify because of the Lord’s wrath against those who turn away from the Book

17-07-2020, 06:39 PM
Imam Nasser Mohammad Al-Yemeni

26 - Dhul Qida - 1441 AH
17 - 07 - 2020 AD
9:40 am
(According to the official time of [Mecca] mother of towns)

O community of non Arabs and the Arabs, distress will intensify because of the Lord’s wrath against those who turn away from the Book

Allah’s peace, mercy and His blessings, and the bliss of His goodly-pleasure be upon you my beloved best foremost supporters, it was supposed to have been for you a leap and go about because of night of the middle for the full-moon of Dhul Qida for this year of yours 1441 AH which is Saturday the night of Sunday, the reason is that the sun overtook them moon, so the crescent was born before the eclipse, and the sun met with it while it is a newly crescent. This is the cosmic sign, and I challenge them to find a scientific reason for the fullness of the moon for Dhul Qida month on Saturday the night of Sunday other than one reason has no second for it, which is must have been for crescent of Dhul Qida was born before the eclipse then the sun met with it while it’s a newly crescent on mid morning of Sunday. This means that the solar eclipse occurred over Yemen and the Arabian Peninsula on day one of Dhul Qida, so how did you lose such an opportunity after the solar eclipse occurred? The fact it cleared for those who do not know that the sun overtook the moon, and the crescent was born before the eclipse, then the sun met with it while it is a newly crescent. And you know that through the seen clips over the Arabic nation on date of day-one of Dhul Qida, also it cleared to you the fact of overtaking through the night of middle of the month because of early (glow) completion of the full-moon on evening of Saturday which is the night of Sunday, you have been upheld the undefeated argument against astronomers, but the supporters desired an explanatory-statement after the event.

Didn’t I tell the Muslims and the entire worlds that the sun will overtake the moon in crescent of Dhul Qida so the crescent would be born before the solar eclipse and the sun would meet with it while it’s a newly crescent, and the date will be day-one of Dhul Qida on evening of Saturday which is the night of Sunday according to the calculation of the overtaking? In a sense that date of night of the middle for Month of Dhul Qida (end) of Saturday which is night of Sunday, and Allah’s cosmic sign cleared to all for the fact this time the solar eclipse occurred over the Arabian Peninsula, and the overtaking occurred as a sign of ratification, but some of the supporters wanted proving sighting of the crescent of Dhul Qida to be accomplished after sunset of Saturday which is the night of Sunday! So how can that be while the crescent of Dhul Qida is in state of overtaking? In fact, we said that the sun will overtake the moon so the sun would meet with it while it’s a newly crescent, and the reason of this is the fact that sun overtook the moon so the crescent was born before the seen eclipse which occurred on mid morning of Sunday at the end of Shawwal according to your date-calendar while you are looking at the sky of the Arabian Peninsula — Oh community of Arab. So Allah would make the sign of overtaking being repeated with truth upon the actual reality as a sign of ratification for Allah’s khalifa; the Imam Mahdi Nasser Mohammad Al-Yemeni, and the cause of the early full-moon for month of Dhul Qida on Saturday’s (evening) which is the night of Sunday; by now means and they could never find other than one scientific reason about the cause of the early full-moon for month of Dhul Qida which is a must the sun overtook the moon so the crescent was born on Saturday and went-down after the forming of it as a newly crescent on evening of Saturday which is the night of Sunday [night of day-one of Dhul Qida], so the sun met with it while it’s a newly crescent on mid morning of Sunday.
Yet were it not for sign of over taking occurs, it is then the moon of Dhul Qida would not have reached the complete full-moon for night of the middle on evening of Saturday which is the night of Sunday, while the entire astronomers among the humans indeed know the astronomical fore-beginning of month Dhul Qida is on evening of Monday as its astronomical for-beginning. By no means, you can not and could never find anyone of humans other than the Imam Mahdi Nasser Mohammad Al-Yemeni says that the astronomical fore-beginning of Dhul Qida is on evening of Saturday which is the night of Sunday for the fact, the central pairing (alignment of sun and moon) did not occur yet; and it is the solar eclipse itself for the fact I know that the sun overtook the moon on night of Sunday so the crescent was born before the eclipse and the sun meat with the moon while it’s a newly crescent. For that the moon’s (glow) was completed as full-moon of Dhul Qida for this year of yours; it (reached) full-moon before its appointed-time even according to its astronomical fore-beginning, and it cleared to all that the night of the middle for month of Dhul Qida has truly occurred on evening of Saturday night of Sunday yet the cosmic sign of overtaking did not cause remembrance to the worlds! Judgement is for Allah and He is the Best Decider.

O community of non Arabs and the Arabs, certainly the distress will intensify because of the wrath of the Lord against those who turn away from the Book the grand Quran, so who would protect them from chastisement at the doors? And appearing has drew near with a far wide-spread evil, surely by no means they would find besides Allah neither loyal friend nor helper to them — Donald Trump and whoever of his ilk from decision makers possessors of Arab thrones and scholars of the Muslims, also the Arab decision makers and their senior-top scholars, as well from the most evil of who stride (earth) who turn away from Allah’s Book the grand Quran. So who would remove from them the harm of a continuous painful Rijz (chastisement of an evil kind) and it is what they call it coronavirus? Indeed, as well a lion’s share of it to America, and as that a lion’s share from evil of awaited chastisement of an asteroid they see it far yet we see it near for the fact government of Donald Trump and his loyal-friends are from the zionist Christians, and he was not for the supporter Christians, they only supported in the White House by the leadership of Donald Trump the first enemy to Allah and His grand Quran, and not by misguidance of them, in fact because they know it is the Truth from their Lord yet they hate the Truth, isn’t it Allah the Most Just of all judges?

..And peace be upon the messengers, and praise be to Allah Lord of the worlds
.Allah’s khalifa and His servant; the Imam Mahdi Nasser Mohammad Al-Yemeni

اقتباس المشاركة: : https://mahdialumma.online/showthread.php?p=332964