المساعد الشخصي الرقمي

مشاهدة النسخة كاملة : Announcement of a grand hidden surprise image of the crescent of Muharram while it is in the state of overtaking towards dawn

02-09-2020, 05:14 PM
Imam Nasser Mohammad Al-Yemeni

14 - Muharram - 1442 AH
2 - 09 - 2020 AD
07:52 am
(According to the official time of [Mecca] mother of towns)

..Announcement of a grand hidden surprise; image of the crescent of Muharram while it is in the state of overtaking towards dawn

..In the name of Allah the All Merciful, the Most Merciful

Allah’s peace, mercy, His blessings and the Bliss of His goodly-pleasure be upon you my beloved best foremost supporters and the entire ones from among Muslims who if they knew the Truth they would follow it. Here is images of crescent for month of Muharram at dawn of Tuesday the twenty-eighth of Dhul Hijja also (images of) crescent of Muharram in the state of overtaking while the sun to the east of it, and we will certainly first accompany to you: Image of last crescent of month Dhul Hijja at dawn of Monday in order for you to look at the horns of the last crescent of month (Dhul Hijja) at dawn of Monday the 27th of Dhul Hijja for last month as follows:


As for the most important is the following images that were taken on the day that follows it; which is the dawn of Tuesday, 28th of Dhul Hijja, which is for crescent of the current Muharram while it is in the state of overtaking. Indeed, you shall see both horns of Muharram different upon the actual reality without doubt nor suspicion as follows:




And the above images are in the International Astronomy Center you would find it; by the grace of Allah and His mercy.

O Mr. Owdeh the engineer, you maybe did not want your members to download (images of) crescent of Muharram while it is in the state of overtaking, or perhaps out of the greatness of your conceit and your arrogance unjustly, Allah blinded your insight and you did not pay attention for the image of crescent neither you nor your fellow-members who photographed the last crescent of the month (Dhul Hijja) in order to send it to the International Astronomy Center, and they did not pay attention that it is not an image of crescent of the last month (Dhul Hijja); in fact it is pictures of crescent of the first of the month (Muharram the current) while it is in position of overtaking. Indeed, glory be to Allah the Great who ever attains His purpose. As well the Imam Mahdi Nasser Mohammad Al-Yemeni I filmed the crescent of Muharram at dawn of Tuesday while it is in the state of overtaking in the same position while the sun to the east of it at dawn of Tuesday the 28th of Dhul Hijja and Allah is Witness. We will save it in case if happen denying crescent of Muharram while it is in the state of overtaking and we are sufficient with pictures of crescent of overtaking and some reports of members of the International Astronomy Center, but they did not dare to say it is crescent of Muharram while it is in the state of overtaking; in fact they called it crescent of end of (Dhul Hijja) month. Then we say to them: Far from, very far, at whom you are laughing?! Yet Allah made you fall to the fact you perhaps did not pay attention that both horns of the crescent differed, so you brought by themselves (images) of crescent of Muharram while it is in the state of overtaking, yet you did not focus on the difference of both horns of the crescent with (image) of the day that was before it. Allah blinded your eyes so you would bring the proof upon the actual reality while you are not aware. Likewise, I saw with my own eyes the crescent of Muharram while it is in the state of overtaking by the most certain eye upon the actual reality, with the naked eye and it is in the same position of the picture for crescent of Muharram above; both horns are different that the two horns of (crescent) at dawn of Monday. In fact the two horns of Tuesday’s dawn differed, then I documented it as a picture in my phone upon the actual reality although I know previously that you photograph the event and for that I wrote the explanatory-statement by the title: (The questioner is Allah’s khalifa and His servant, and the respondent is Allah; Lord of the worlds..) Ended.

But what astonished me is the members of the International Astronomy Center who sent Images of crescent of the end of Dhul Hijja at dawn of Tuesday the 28th of Dhul Hijja and the head of the International Astronomy Center Mr. Owdeh the engineer download it thinking that it is the crescent of end of Dhul Hijja while they did not pay attention to both horns of the crescent at dawn of Tuesday has differed and it is not as the two horns of Dawn on Monday the 27th of Dhul Hijja. Indeed, glory be to Allah Who ever attains His purpose, then you brought the proof by your hands — O Mr. engineer, without your intention to achieve the Truth without you pay attention if it was unintended by you to fulfill the Truth in order for you to know that Allah ever attains His purpose but most people do not know,
..And peace be upon the messengers, and praise be to Allah Lord of the worlds

.Allah’s khalifa and His servant; the Imam Mahdi Nasser Mohammad Al-Yemeni

اقتباس المشاركة: : https://mahdialumma.online/showthread.php?p=335551