المساعد الشخصي الرقمي

مشاهدة النسخة كاملة : Important to those who witnessed the crescent on Muharram first at dawn of Saturday in overtaking position while the sun towards the east of the new crescent

09-08-2021, 08:34 PM
Imam Mahdi Nasser Mohammad Al-Yemeni

01 - Muharram - 1443 AH
2021 - 08 - 09 AD
3:12 pm
(According to the official time of [Mecca] mother of towns)

Important to those who witnessed the crescent on Muharram first at dawn of Saturday in overtaking position while the sun towards the east of the new crescent

In the name of Allah the All Merciful, the Most Merciful, Allah’s peace, mercy and His blessings be upon you my beloved ones for Allah’s pleasure, and the truth seekers who sought the crescent of Muharram for year 1443 of yours while it is in the state of overtaking, and sighting it was confirmed at dawn while the sun to the east of it. So put in your heads this important information, for example; people of Yemen who saw in the eastern horizon at dawn of Saturday, both horns of the crescent were towards up tilting to left-side of the viewers (looking) at it, then know the sure knowledge that as well you will see crescent of Muharram after it meets with the sun while it’s a newly crescent, then it leaves the sun behind it and it would appear to you at the western horizon. So as that it will be to the left of the viewer (looking) at it. I call on Allah to witness and Allah is a sufficient Witness to comprehend this information that the crescent has special positions equally whether it is in the state of overtaking at dawn while the sun to the east of it, surely crescent of Muharram will stand by the position of the observer and it would never adhere with the directions, rather according to what the observers watch it while it’s in the state of overtaking and the sun to the east of it.

For example; people of Yemen, we were looking at the crescent of Muharram and we see its both horns (heavenly) tilting toward the north; which means leaning to the left of the viewer (who’s looking) at it, and both horns of are at the north direction, and when it passes (away from) the sun so the sun would be to the west of it then you would see it towards the west after sunset so likewise it would be to the left of the viewer (looking) at it heavenly which means towards the sky (both horns of the crescent) tilting towards the south as well to the left of the viewer (looking) at it; the same crescent that you saw it - O people of Yemen - and the same tilting while it is in the state of overtaking. As for the observer, surely it would not change from his position and definitely the crescent of Muharrm would in the western horizon after sunset for the entire people on the day of sighting it likewise both horns of the crescent (for) this month of Muharram to the left of the on looker at it, so definitely both of its horns by the western horizon where both would be heavenly tilting to the south at sunset thus to the left of the on looker at it. As that Allah made the positions of the overtaken crescents of the months to the fact I am sure that many of whom they saw crescent of Muharram towards the eastern horizon at dawn (Saturday, 28th of Dhul Hijjah), they think that it will be in the same position; bot if its horns towards the north after sunset, it is then both horns of the crescent will be on the right according to your thinking, far from, vary far!! In fact, both horns of the crescent will beat sunset where you see it heavenly tilting towards the south, that to the left of the on looker at it.

I hope the idea has reached to those who do not know, to the fact crescents of overtaking has different positions when the crescent is towards dawn while the sun to the east of it, so both horns of the crescent at specific direction until it catches up the sun then would meet with it while it’s a newly crescent in the central pairing, then it separates from the sun eastward leaving the sun to the west of the crescent (floating) farther-away from it towards the east. To lag behind in his setting after sunset in order for the people to see it. So here it returns to its natural position except it adheres to the position of the observer as you saw the crescent exactly while it is in the state of overtaking towards dawn as like the people of Yemen. So those who saw the Crescent of Muharram at dawn of Saturday while the sun to the east of it in position of overtaking and they saw both horns of crescent of Muharram at the left-side of the on looker at it while both if its horns northerly heavenly as we filmed it with live video and downloading it was accomplished along with the explanatory-statement. After it passes the sun and separates away from it so they would see both horns of the crescent heavenly (up towards the sky) tilting to the south. As for the turned around observation towards the west to sight crest of Muharram after sunset so they would see it as well to the left of the on looker at it while both of its horns are heavenly leaning a little towards the south when the crescent of Muharram has passed the sun easterly leaving it westerly.

O my beloved ones, this is the third time of which I saw the crescent of the month while it is in the state of overtaking. Once of Rajab time at dawn of Monday but both horns of Rajab’s crescent - while it is in the state of overtaking - were heavenly (towards the sky), I did not find it change the direction of its both horns. What (happened) both of its horns were exactly heavenly towards the sky’s direction. Thus at the west, both of its horns were exactly heavenly, as for when you see crescent of the month while it is in the state of overtaking, so here the observer has to stick by his personal heading regardless of the direction; north and south. Rather, the right of the observer or his left. So if he saw the crescent of the month in which the sun overtook the moon in the direction of the easterly horizon at dawn, so each according to the horizon of its setting (place). So if it was leaning on the right-side at the south direction, also he would find it in the same position and tilting at setting (westerly) from the right-side of the observer tilting northward. And if both horns of the crescent at the east were tilting to the left-side towards the north, surely likewise he would find it on his left at setting time (west) while both of its horns in the same level of tilting southward; which means at the left of the observer the onlooker at it.
O our Allah, I have delivered the message, O our Allah, bear witness. With the permission of Allah, accomplish publishing this information quickly.
..And peace be upon the messengers, and praise be to Allah Lord of the worlds
.Allah’s khalifa and His servant; the Imam Mahdi Nasser Mohammad Al-Yemeni

اقتباس المشاركة: : https://mahdialumma.online/showthread.php?p=358111