المساعد الشخصي الرقمي

مشاهدة النسخة كاملة : Warning! The Full Moon of the Month of Safar Will Be on the 20th of September

09-09-2021, 12:09 PM
Imam Mahdi Nasser Mohammed

27-Muharram-1443 AH
04- September-2021 AD
03:13 PM
(According to the official time of Mecca [Mother of Towns])

Warning! The Full Moon of the Month of Safar Will Be on the 20th of September

In the name of Allah, the One, the Overpowering. O mankind, urgently flee to Allah the One, the Overpowering and do not believe in any other god but Allah lest He severely Punishes you, but worship Allah alone no partner has He, indeed I am a clear warner from Him to you. In line with the Word of Allah the Exalted: {So flee to Allah. Indeed, I am to you from Him a clear warner. (50) And do not make up any other god along with Allah. Indeed I am a clear warner sent by Him for you. (51)} Adh-Dhariyat -Chapter:51 -Verses: 50-51

And know with knowledge of certainty that I, Allah's caliph on the worlds, al-Imam al-Mahdi (Arabic: الإمام المهدي, the Guided Leader) Nasser Mohammed Al-Yamani* (Arabic: اليماني, From Yemen)
do not say about Allah except the truth, and here is the certain news from Lord of the worlds concerning the Full Moon of the night of the middle of the month of Safar* (Islamic month):
I have been ordered by Allah to announce to all mankind around the world the time of the global Full Moon of the coming month of Safar for this new (Hijri) year of yours which is 1443 AH, apart from your Astronomical Calculations according to the Astronomical beginning of the month of Safar, and the Physical beginning according to the sighting of the moon, as the miracle of the early Full Moon, which is the sign of Allah's caliph "al-Mahdi", is a cosmic miracle from Lord of the worlds. This sign of verification (for Al-Mahdi Nasser Mohammed Al-Yamani) from Lord of the worlds will take place on the evening of Monday which is the night of Tuesday, dated: 20th of September,2021 AD and it will occur because the sun will catch up with the moon in the crescent of the month of Safar, so the Waxing Crescent Moon will be born before the Geocentric Conjunction; hence, the crescent will disappear and you will not be able to see it until whenever Allah Wills. And this is because the sun will catch up with the moon for several nights of the crescents of Safar

But the command from Allah the One, the Overpowering, to His caliph is to announce to mankind everywhere around the world, to Muslims and non-Muslims and Arabs and Non-Arabs that Imam Mahdi's sign of the Full Moon of the month of Safar for this year of yours (1443pAH) will occur exactly as follows: (The Full Moon Will Be on Monday, at 7:00 PM) and that was the vision from Allah to me about what to announce to the worlds and may Allah's curse be upon liars. This certainly means that the global Full Moon of the month of Safar will be completed in a global moment, which is precisely on the 20th of September, 2021 AD at 7:00 PM, and forewarned is forearmed

So be witnesses against yourselves that I have informed you about the news from Allah, the One, the Overpowering that the sun will catch up with the moon in the crescent of the month of Safar on Monday Morning and the birth of the Waxing Crescent Moon will occur before the Geocentric Conjunction, and that is why the Full Moon of the month of Safar will occur on the evening of Monday according to the agreed-upon global date which is the evening of the 20th of September,2021AD at 7:00 PM and forewarned is forearmed! And Allah is sufficient as a Witness, and wait in anticipation as indeed I am waiting with you. In line with the Word of Allah the Exalted: {So I swear by the twilight redness, (16) and [by] the night and who gathered to witness, (17) and [by] the moon when it becomes full (18) [That] you will surely ride a planetary state from a planetary state. (19) So what is it with them [that] they do not believe, (20) And when the Qur'an is recited to them, they do not prostrate? (21) But those who disbelieved belie, (22) And Allah is most knowing of what they understand. (23) So give them tidings of a painful punishment (24) Except for those who believe and do righteous deeds. For them is a reward uninterrupted. (25)
[Surah: 84- Al-Enshiqaq - Verses: 16-25]

So wait in anticipation for Allah's promise to validate His caliph, through a sign from Lord of the worlds ,which is the date of the occurrence of the Full Moon of Safar on Monday at 7:00 PM ,dated: the 20th of September,2021 AD and according to the agreed-upon Universal Time (UTC) by the whole world (Arabs and Non-Arabs) it will be visible at 7:00 PM on the evening of Monday at sunset which is the night of Tuesday
And woe to those who deny that the sun has caught up with the moon while they know that it is true but they hide from the world the signs of warnings from Allah Lord of the worlds, so that people would deny the signs of warnings from their Lord as well, consequently they would be alike in hellfire. May the curse of Allah be upon the arrogant ones who earned Allah's anger upon them; those who deny the signs of warnings on purpose, let the curse of Allah, the angels, and people altogether be upon them except him who repents and believes from among the Astronomers and does not keep from the world that the sun has truly caught up with the moon and the moon has followed it. Certainly, those people Allah shall accept their repentance, indeed He is the Accepting in repentance and the Most Merciful.

Indeed, doomed is the one who conceals it(the sign of the sun catching up with the moon) from among the Astronomers, as for the common people around the world, they will know that the sun has truly caught up with the moon through the rise of the early Full Moon at the sunset of Monday which is the night of Tuesday dated: the 20th of September,2021 AD. And Allah will Curse those who turn people away and the liars who feel secure from the planning of Allah, they surely will not find besides Allah any ally or supporter and they will come to know what (evil) end they will meet. O righteous forerunner supporters in different countries, do not add any extra information from yourselves to this statement of mine nor disclose them to any of your relatives or the questioners on your online pages

O righteous forerunner supporters along with every Muslim who is a 'Nasser' (Arabic:ناصر, Supporter) of the messenger of Allah Mohammed, may Allah's prayers of (forgiveness) and peace be upon him and his family, exclusively concentrate on publishing this statement to the whole world through each and every single global means to people altogether until the promise of Allah's sign comes, Surely Allah does not break His promise so wait in anticipation as indeed I am waiting with you. And say: "my Lord forgive and have mercy, and You are the best of the Merciful and judge between us with truth and You are the best of Judges, and we seek victory from Allah and every obstinate tyrant is doomed; all of those who are turning away from the true clarification of the Glorious Quran, the light of guidance to the path of the Almighty, the Praiseworthy (Allah)"

Peace be upon the messengers and praise to Allah Lord of the worlds
Allah's caliph on the worlds: Imam Mahdi Nasser Mohammed Al-Yamani

Translated by: Deena ADEL
Source Text (https://mahdialumma.online/showthread.php?p=360912#post360912)