الموضوع: O People Wake Up and Enough Heedlessness and Lethargy Let Go of the Legends and Superstitions For Which Allah Has Sent Down No Authority Certainly This Is The EvilPlotting of Devils


O People, Wake Up and Enough Heedlessness and Lethargy. Let Go of the Legends and Superstitions For Which Allah Has Sent Down No Authority, Certainly, This Is The Evil-Plotting of Devils

Imam Nasser Mohammad Al-Yamani

11-04-1436 AH
31-01-2015 AD
05:33 AM

O People, Wake Up and Enough Heedlessness and Lethargy. Let Go of the Legends and Superstitions For Which Allah Has Sent Down No Authority, Certainly, This Is The Evil-Plotting of Devils

In the name of Allah Ar-Rahman (the Most Gracious), the Most Merciful. Prayers of (forgiveness) and peace be upon all Allah's prophets and messengers from the first of them to the seal of them Muhammad, the messenger of Allah, his pure family, and all of the believers

O the questioner, you must know that the likeness of the legend of the Star of David is as the likeness of your imagination that a star has many angles; however, because of the distantness of the star you think it has angles, but in reality, a star looks spherical; meaning: ablaze ball. And stars are like the Sun, do you see that the shape of the Sun is like the shape of a star in your imagination?

And o the questioner, I swear by Allah Whom there is no deity but Him that you are in manifest error with your superstitions that for which Allah Has Sent down no authority in the clear verses of the Quran, or do you want al-Mahdi to be Raised by Allah according to your desires,and confirming to your legends and superstitions, will you not reason? How far have devils led you astray from the straight path! And it is not for Allah to Raise the true Imam Mahdi as a follower to your desires and superstitions for which Allah Has Sent down no authority in the clear verses of the Quran, so if there is a clear proof for your star (the so-called Star of David), produce your proofs if you are truthful

So listen, is there any planet that has outer angles like what slanderers imagine that a star has angles like the shape of stars in people's imaginations? But I find in the clear verses of the Great Quran that stars are spherical; meaning that, a star is a luminous spherical planet. In line with the Word of Allah the Exalted:
{Indeed, We have adorned the nearest heaven with an adornment of planets} As-Saffat -Chapter:37 -Verse: 6

And I extract from this the fact that a star's shape is like that of a planet and it does not have angles and sides like what the beholders to stars among mankind imagine. Since time immemorial according to its distantness, they visualize a star as a celestial body with sides and angles even though they are completely spherical unlike your hexagonal imaginary form you brought

Anyway, the truth by Allah cannot come according to your desires so that you are satisfied, and I see that you were waiting for an answer from Nasser Mohammed that follows your desires, but far is that from being the truth! Certainly, I argue with you with clear and manifest verses in the Quran that are not talismans or superstitions. So whoever accepts the truth, Allah shall be Pleased with him and whoever is displeased, Allah shall be Displeased with him and will let his heart go astray from the soundness of the way, except for when you produce the clear proof for your hexagonal or octagonal star from the Great Quran! But, it is from the superstitions of astrologers that for which Allah Has Sent down no authority, so o Muslims when are you going to wake up from your lethargy and heedlessness?

Let go of the superstitions and follow the clear verses of the Great Quran; Allah's argument against you before Him, if you turn away from them He shall torment you with the burning fire. In line with the Word of Allah the Exalted:

{The Fire will sear their faces, and they therein will have taut smiles. (104) "Were not My verses recited to you and you used to deny them?" (105)They will say, "Our Lord, our wretchedness overcame us, and we were a people astray. (106) Our Lord, remove us from it, and if we were to return [to evil], we would indeed be wrongdoers." (107)

Al-Mu'minun-Chapter:23-Verses: 104-107

So beware of the legends of the superstitious secrets which the devil has drawn you into like what he did to Adam PBUH. Iblees lulled him into believing that in the tree which Allah Has Forbidden him and his wife to eat from, lies the secret of the angels and immortality.

That is why the devil said to Adam and Eve what Allah the Exalted Said:
{But Satan whispered to them to make apparent to them that which was concealed from them of their private parts. He said, "Your Lord did not forbid you this tree except that you become angels or become of the immortal."(20)
Al-Aaraf-Chapter:7-Verse: 20

And he deceived them by saying that the secret of kingdom and immortality lies within this tree, and he said:
{Then Satan whispered to him; he said, "O Adam, shall I direct you to the tree of eternity and possession that will not deteriorate?" (120)
Ta-Ha -Chapter:20 -Verse: 120

Anyway, the devil made the tree greater before the eyes of Adam and his wife and lulled them into the false fact of it having great secrets, as he deceives you that the secret of David's possessions is in the star. So wake up people, enough heedlessness and lethargy and let go of the legends and superstitions that for which Allah Has Sent down no authority, certainly this is the evil-plotting of devils

Peace be upon the messengers and praise to Allah Lord of the worlds
Your brother; the Awaited Imam Mahdi Nasser Mohammed Al-Yamani

Translated by: Deena ADEL
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Last updated: 22-10-2021 01:17 AM