الموضوع: Response of the Imam to the brother AlMustabshir Bilfaraj meaning the cheerful with the relief then I asked him what is the thing that made you certain He swore to me that it is th


Response of the Imam to the brother (Al-Mustabshir Bilfaraj) meaning the cheerful with the relief; then I asked him what is the thing that made you certain? He swore to me that it is th

Imam Nasser Mohammad Al-Yemeni

13 - 01 - 1431 AH
30 - 12 - 2009 AD
01:23 am

Response of the Imam to the brother (Al-Mustabshir Bilfaraj) meaning the cheerful with the relief; then I asked him what is the thing that made you certain? He swore to me that it is the fact of Allah’s name the Greatest.
..True word

In the name of Allah the All Merciful, the Most Merciful
Allah’s peace, mercy and His blessings be upon you the honored Imam and brothers
I am a new member and in reality I visited the website tens of times before I register, and through my reading for many of the explanatory-statements of the Imam Nasser I rejoiced with the avulsion of dawn all over again on this nation, even if he was not the Awaited Imam it is sufficient that a man come out of this nation seeking to unify it word under the banner of monotheism, and pull out the Muslims from the swamp in which they became and the ignorance that they indulged therein, and they drank from it till froth, and how much I wish that Allah grant us out of his grace with the urgent relief from Him, glory be to Him, and the word of Truth rise above-all, while injustice and the unjust ones to fade-away; in fact vanish, and to make the True word being the uppermost, while the word of falsehood is the lowest, and we ask Allah the Exalted Majestic One, that the upcoming days and years to be good and blessing for this nation of Mohammad -the best prayer of forgiveness and peace be upon him, also upon his family and his companions altogether.

..In the name of Allah the All Merciful, the Most Merciful, and peace be upon the messengers, and praise be to Allah Lord of the worlds

Allah’s peace, mercy and His blessings be upon you my honorable brother the cheerful with the relief upon the nation by sending the Imam Mahdi, but I direct this question to you my honorable brother: so what do you want from the Imam Mahdi to come to you with more than the Imam Nasser Mohammad Al-Yemeni has brought whom he challenge by the Quran with Truth, and it is not challenge of conceit to the entire scholars of the Muslims, Jews and Christians? Have you found that Allah disgraced me and did not aid me with the dominant authority of knowledge over your scholars with Truth? Or do you think that the scholars did not visit the website of the Imam Nasser Mohammad Al-Yemeni? In fact many scholars did visit it, and one of them a Mufti of one of the Arabian countries, and requested on private that I speak to him on the messenger, so we made an appointment then we met on the messenger, and he spoke to me with sound and picture, and I knew who he is and indeed he is truthful, but he said to me: “will benefit you if I announced my acknowledgement that you are Al-Mahdi no doubt nor suspicion, so you would prevail over the people?”. I said to him: No. Then he said: “Therefore, ask you to bear witness and I call Allah to witness, and Allah is sufficient as Witness that you are the Awaited Mahdi no doubt nor suspicion, is there after the Truth but falsehood?surely if you command me to acknowledge about your mission openly I verily will do even if the acknowledgement will definitely harm me directly so I would lose my position till my Lord pleases a thing, verily my Lord encompass all thing in (His) knowledge, but by Allah I do not care, if you order me I will do, and tomorrow”. End of his words.

I replied and said to him: “My beloved in Allah’s love I ask Allah to be pleased with you and to please you, as long I see that your acknowledgement about us will harm you and never benefit us so there is no blame against you, I am sufficient with your testimony in the Truth for the Imam Mahdi and his Lord, and Allah is Sufficient as Witness, and to honor you with Allah’s permission I will announce you name after the appearing among the list of the honored ministers surely our appointment is on that near day with Allah’s permission”, then I asked him: What is the thing that made you of the certain ones? Then he vowed to me that it is the fact of Allah’s name the Greatest, and he did not feel the taste of the faith’s sweetness and intense submissiveness and the deluge of tears only when Allah made him find the website of the Awaited Mahdi in Ramadan 1430 AH, and he said: Unfortunately, we were following many of thing the blind following as you described us, surely you did not wrong us and I bear witness on that, verily do not think that the scholars did not gain knowledge about you; in fact, many of them read your website from various countries, but perhaps some of them his situation is like mine he could not dare so to announce the acknowledgement openly, so I said to him: I ask Allah to reward you on my behalf the best reward, so He would increase you with His love and His nearness and the Bliss of the goodly pleasure of HimSelf, these words from you is enough for me,verily by Allah he has gladdened my heart and made my broken inclination to get eased, I surely thought that they are ignorant about my status and they are arrogant over me and they see that I am nothing worth mentioning nor hardly I can manifest (to them) and for that they did not let go their ego to have dialogue with me, or that they did not gain knowledge about my website nor I find who would give me fatwa with certainty (about them), it is sufficient for me this news from you, and we have accepted your allegiance secretly till Allah please.

I have decided to conceal his matter as I promised him, but I thought now that if I announced the acknowledgement of a Mufti about us and I did not reveal his name surely it would never harm him a thing, and I did not fail my promise to him; in fact he is the only one who at the time when he gained knowledge about this statement of mine that he is the one that meant, and I hope from Allah that this does not disturb him nor causes for him any harm, surely I did not reveal his name and I am still at my promise to him that I do not conceal his matter and never announce his name except after the appearing, and you will hear him among the honored ministers. .

Indeed that the ministers are by various levels and they are not of one level; in fact the difference is big from a minister to another without wronging (anyone), we give each one his right in dividing the levels of the ministers with Allah’s permission..

..And peace be upon the messengers, and praise be to Allah Lord of the worlds
.Your brother the Imam Mahdi Nasser Mohammad Al-Yemeni


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