الموضوع: Fatwa from Allah forbidding the fast of month of Ramadan until you witness the sighting of crescent of month of Ramadan


Fatwa from Allah forbidding the fast of month of Ramadan until you witness the sighting of crescent of month of Ramadan

Imam Nasser Mohammad Al-Yemeni

30 - Shaban - 1441 AH
23 - 04 - 2020 AD
12:22 pm
(According to the official time of [Mecca] mother of towns)

Fatwa from Allah forbidding the fast of month of Ramadan until you witness the sighting of crescent of month of Ramadan

In the name of Allah the Great, the Omnipotent, the Originator of the heavens and the earth, the Controller over the movement of sun and moon..

O community of decision makers in the Muslim countries, if there is still as much as weight of an atom of Islam (left) in your chests to Lord of the worlds then abide by Allah’s command regarding the initiation of fasting month of Ramadan! Surely Allah has forbidden to you the month of Ramadan's fasting until it’s proven to you the sighting of Ramadan’s crescent a legitimate visual confirmation as ratification to Allah’s command to you in His decisive Book the grand Quran in the word of Allah the Most High: {So whoever of you witnessed (crescent) of the month, he shall fast therein..}Truthful Allah the Great [Al-Baqarah] 2:185; in a sense that Allah forbade you starting fast of Ramadan until you see the crescent of Ramadan appeared to you and each is according to the horizon of his setting (sight), so whoever the crescent of Ramadan appeared to them after sunset on the twenty ninth of Shaban; night of thirtieth, or after sunset of thirtieth of Shaban; the night of thirty-one, or after sunset on of thirty-two; night of thirty-three. Indeed, by Allah, then by Allah, then by Allah, it is forbidden to you in the decisive Book of Allah to begin fasting the month of Ramadan until you witness the crescent sighting of Ramadan month in front of the detectors’ eyes with the naked eye.
{ فَمَن شَهِدَ مِنكُمُ الشَّهْرَ فَلْيَصُمْهُ } صدق الله العظيم [البقرة:185]

Also the same command that Allah’s messenger Mohammad -prayer of Allah’s forgiveness and peace be upon him and his family- commanded you; he said: [Do not fast until you see the crescent, nor break your fast until you see it]. Spoke the truth prayer of forgiveness and peace be upon him. Verily, Allah’s curse be upon who violate Allah’s command and His messenger then he misguided himself and misguided his nation on purpose of him to announce to his people the fore-beginning of fasting Ramadan before confirming the sighting of Ramadan’s crescent a legal confirmation with the naked eye, in fact, he deserves Allah’s curse till judgement day unless he repents to Allah the All Merciful, the Most Merciful, and pride does not carry him of to sin.
[ لا تصوموا حتى تروا الهلال ولا تفطروا حتى تروه] صدق عليه الصلاة والسلام.

O you the president Rajab Erdogan Tayyib the good, if you truly a good man wholeheartedly inside out then do not violate Allah’s command! So how can you announce to the Turkish people in advance that Friday is the fore-beginning of fasting while we are still in the night of Thursday; while the whole world still up to this time of issuing this explanatory-statement of mine within the night of Thursday while its sun did not set yet?! So how can you announce the fore-beginning of fasting for every month of Ramadan in each year before confirming its legal sighting with certainty? O man, I am the Imam Mahdi Nasser Mohammad Al-Yemeni, I challenge you and the entire decision makers and their people among the easts of the land and wests of it in the entire countries of humans; the Muslim of them and the disbeliever to prove sighting crescent in their area of this month of Ramadan for year 1441 after sunset for this Thursday of ours a legal proof with certainty after sunset even if they did not have a telescope its diameter as the moon’s diameter! And the scientific reason in all simplicity for the fact crescent of Ramadan will set before sunset of Thursday; the night of Friday thirty-one of Shaban according to the calendar of the honored Mecca center of earth, and the calendar of mother of town did not go off course except because of the cosmic sign of overtaking.

I challenge the entire committees of detecting the crescents among the entire nations of Islamic countries in the easts of the land and its wests a sure challenge with knowledge from Allah and not a challenge of conjecture that does not avail thing against the Truth, and according to Allah’s command, I will announce from now the cursing prayer between the Imam Mahdi Nasser Mohammad Al-Yemeni and the entire astronomers among the human nation, as that the cursing prayer includes those of the legal sighting that Allah’s curse and His angels and the people altogether upon them if they testified sighting the crescent of Ramadan after sunset of Thursday the night of Friday, perjury and falsely! This is after sun down of this day of ours on Thursday evening which is night of Friday, or Allah’s curse upon Nasser Mohammad Al-Yemeni if he is a liar against Allah Lord of the worlds that the sun overtook the moon a sign of ratification for the Awaited Mahdi khalifa of Allah over the people, a cosmic sign to the entire humans to who please to go forward and follow the Reminder the grand Quran or remain behind (not) following until ratified with Truth from his Lord (punishing him) with an exemplary chastisement, and the entire people knew that the night of middle of Shaban was after sunset of Tuesday - night of Wednesday, all of you have to know that the 29th of Shaban for this year of yours is Wednesday until ends by sunset of Shaban 29, each is according to the time of sun down of his at sunset of the nations then the night of Thursday enters into the night of thirty of Shaban, and the entire humans by no means and never would see crescent of Ramadan after sunset of Wednesday the night of Thursday in all sundowns of the human countries eastward and westward. Although that the night of Thursday which entered after sundown on Wednesday is the night of the fore-beginning of the blessed Ramadan for this year of yours 1441, but I am the Imam Mahdi Nasser Mohammad Al-Yemeni who does not violate Allah’s command and His messenger I will take a sip of water now for seconds if you allow until I drink glass of water, praise be to Allah, and do you know why? The fact, I am not like you misguided and misleading others I fast with my knowledge about the crescent’s birth; in fact I fast by the legal sighing of it by the sure eye, as for the reason of going down of crescent just before sunset of Wednesday last day in Shaban that’s because I know that Crescent of Ramadan is born before the old Orjoon (dark phase of the moon) which is what you name it the central Muhaq for the sun and the dark moon. As that the crescent of Ramadan will set just before sunset of this day of yours on Thursday the night of Friday; in a sense, there no existence for Ramadan’s crescent in the western horizon on Thursday evening night of Friday so which crescent shall you sight while there is no presence for Ramadan’s crescent after sunset of Thursday night of Friday even if you eyesight as the sight of hawks/falcons or you possess a magnifier telescope that its diameter is as the diameter of the moon, and do you know why?that’s because I know a sure knowledge that there is no existence for planet moon after sunset on Thursday the night of Friday, and it is not only they would never see it in Yemen, in fact by no means proving sighting it would never be accomplished for certainty on evening of Thursday - night of Friday in the entire wests of the human countries of the Muslim of them and the disbeliever, by permission of Allah Lord of the worlds, that’s because the sun overtook the moon the greater overtaking on Wednesday morning beginning point of month of Ramadan’s birth for this year of yours 1441 according to calendar of mother of towns the honored Mecca center of earth, and crescent of month of Ramadan got completed through daylight of Wednesday but it went down before sunset on Wednesday night of Thursday while it just a newly crescent in a state of overtaking yet the sun to the east of it following it floating after it from the western side of the sun, I know and I perceive what I say despite that it is crescent of first of the month and not the crescent of end of the month.

Based on it, I am the Imam Mahdi Nasser Mohammad Al-Yemeni khalifa of Allah over the worlds, I announce the middle night for month of Ramadan will be on evening of Wednesday - night of Thursday according to the overtaking, because of the major overtaking you will find the full-moon sets at the time of shade because of the grand overtaking after dawn prayer on Thursday by Sana time the capital of the Islamic khilafah, as well in all countries west of Yemen until sunrise. That’s in order for you to know that I know from Allah what you do not know, and the full-moon will speak to you by seeing it as a complete full-moon (in display) to the entire humans, for each human being reached his recognition (age), and tong of the moon’s condition says to the humans: Here I am the full-moon from the party of Allah’s khalifa the Awaited Mahdi, or do you want to include me in politics — O community of gypsy disputers? Verily, I would never follow your desires, in fact I am moon of the heaven a listener and obey-er to Allah’s command by ratifying a cosmic sign to the entire humans as a condition from the major conditions of the Hour, and a ratification sign for His khalifa in the land the Imam Mahdi Nasser Mohammad Al-Yemeni, and judgement is Allah’s and He is Best Decider. Indeed, you shall know that we are truthful and Allah’s curse, abhor, wrath and His chastisement against the liars and against all who wants to extinguish Allah’s light among the entire satans of jinn and mankind, yet Allah insist but to perfect His light although the criminals hated his appearance, and for you to know that the movement of sun and moon is in hand of Allah the One, the Supreme, Who created them and He is in control over them, glory be to Him, high above what they associate (with Him) the Most High beyond measures.

Thus you shall know that what you call it coronavirus is a commanded solder and driven from Lord of the worlds, and Allah did not command them yet to assault against Yemen, for they may be grateful (to Allah) as a sign for them and the worlds, and if the people of Yemen do not give thanks surely Allah will judge between me and them and other than them with flood of water (torrential rain) and deluge of violent torrent and valley of Eram, as for Al-Rajefa asteroid surely the center of its strike is in the United States of America country of trump leader of the strongest nation in his view (may Allah does not remove distress away from him), as for Al-Radifa asteroid indeed its location is in another place and it would never annihilate except each arrogant tyrant that disobeyed Allah’s command to obey His khalifa in the land; Imam Mahdi Nasser Mohammad Al-Yemeni who almost the decision makers do not make weight for him while he is khalifa of Allah the One, the Supreme,but who are you to be arrogant against Allah’s khalifa Al-Mahdi Nasser Mohammad? I swear by Allah the One, the Supreme, Allah will indeed subject their necks to humble for His khalifa while you are disgraced with humiliation — O community of decision makers leader of the human countries, you will surely know that Allah attains His purpose and applies His decision against you by obeying Allah’s khalifa Al-Mahdi, and by him He will perfect His light even though the criminals hate his appearing.

O our Allah, You are my Lord, judge with justice between Your khalifa and every arrogant tyrant from decision makers in human countries, I repeat and say: Indeed, you shall know that Allah is truly Owner of Kingdom, He grants Kingdom to whom He pleases and takes away Kingdom from whom He pleases and He exalt whom He pleases and humiliate whom He pleases, all good is in His hand, and He is Possessor of power over all things. O you the inferior ones among the worlds of the decision makers do you deem excessive against Allah’s khalifa? Indeed, you shall know that might is Allah’s altogether, peace be upon the messengers, and praise be to Allah Lord of the worlds

.Allah’s khalifa and His servant; Imam Mahdi Nasser Mohammad Al-Yemeni


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