الموضوع: I do not answer except for a question that the least people of comprehending understand it Allah is sufficient for me and an Excellent Guardian


I do not answer except for a question that the least people (of comprehending) understand it, Allah is sufficient for me and an Excellent Guardian

Imam Nasser Mohammad Al-Yemeni

03 - 08 - 1930 AH
26 - 07 - 2009 AD
01:19 am

..I do not answer except for a question that the least people (of comprehending) understand it
..Allah is sufficient for me and an Excellent Guardian

Came from the greatest messenger (Allah’s prayer of forgiveness be upon him and his family, that he said We community of prophets been commanded to talk to the people according to the level of their minds, and perhaps you claim mahdi-ship then you definitely will take the course of the messengers in the method of delivering the message and speech to make the people understand your claim until prove its validity and your answer would be according to our levels and you step down to the people, so I ask you one question and it is
Did the holy legislature sent down the Imarata (which means the conjectural news) the level of the uncovering one about the legitimate judgement which means evidence worthy for the legitimate judgement or not and why
I await your answer and do not say you do not answer except by the Quran because you have to hand the idea to all brains if you are possessor of right and peace

In the name of Allah the All Merciful, the Most Merciful, prayer of forgiveness and peace be upon Mohammad, and followers to the Truth till judgement day..

Verily, make your question clear to all if you are truthful, and I swear by my Lord, I do not answer except for a question that the least people (of comprehending) understand it so others can benefit from the bridling answer. O community of the best foremost supporters and the entire visitors, do not blame me, surely this man if he is of the True supporters let him be truthful, and evidently clear if he is of the truthful ones, but I the haters to the Truth through the way of their word sounds while you do not know! So be explicit in the question if you want an answer if indeed you are truthful, and thanks.

.The Imam Mahdi Nasser Mohammad Al-Yemeni



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