الموضوع: Urgent to all best foremost supporters Beware of spiritualism surely that is cunning from satans’ touch in few of the supporters Allah afflicted them with it before they are fro


Urgent to all best foremost supporters .. Beware of spiritualism, surely that is cunning from satans’ touch in few of the supporters, Allah afflicted them with it before they are fro

Imam Nasser Mohammad Al-Yemeni

27 - 05 - 1437 AH
07 - 03 - 2016 AD
10:47 am

Urgent to all best foremost supporters
..Beware of spiritualism, surely that is cunning from satans’ touch in few of the supporters, Allah afflicted them with it before they are from the supporters

..In the name of Allah the All Merciful, the Most Merciful, and peace be upon the messengers, and praise be to Allah Lord of the worlds

Recording the follow - up and spreading it to a response to us from the virtues Sheikh Omar Al-Bakri to knock the argument with (better) argument, let all the Muslims know that the Imam Mahdi Nasser Mohammad Al-Yemeni does not deny from the narrations and narratives of the prophetic sunn except what came in it contrary to Allah’s judgement in the decisive grand Quran, then all the Muslims would know that this narration came to them from other than Allah and His messenger, to the fact His Quran and the sunna of His explanation altogether from Allah, and he was not speak out of desire in Allah’s religion Mohammad His servant and His messenger, prayer of Allah’s forgiveness be upon him and his righteous family and all the believers in every time and place till the day of judgement.

O my beloved in Allah’s cause Omar Al-Bakri, only the sunna of the explanatory-statement increases the Quran clarity to the questioners, and Allah taught you that the text of the Quran and the sunna of the explanatory-statement in the True prophetic sunna both of them are from Allah; light upon light. And did not bring to you Allah’s messenger Mohammad in the sunna of the Quran’s explanatory-statement only in fact he brought to you the text of the Quran and the sunna of its explanatory-statement, and for that Allah’s messenger Mohammad said: [I left among you what if you held firmly with it surely you will never go astray after me; Allah’s Book and my sunna]

And Allah’s messenger Mohammad did not order you to follow the sunna of the Quran’s explanatory-statement and forsake the text of the Quran; in fact Mohammad messenger of Allah ordered you to follow the text of the Quran and the sunna of its explanatory-statement as Allah ordered Mohammad messenger of Allah to follow the text of the Quran and the sunna of its explanatory-statement. And for that Allah the Most High said: {So when We recite it, follow its text.(18) Again on Us rests the explaining of it.(19)}Truthful Allah the Great [Al-Qeyaamah] 75:18-19

As that Allah commanded the believers in following the decisive Quran’s text and the sunna of its explanatory-statement that does not come contrary to the decisive Quran’s text, And Allah taught you that if came to you a narration in the sunna of its explanatory-statement being contrary to the decisive Quran’s text, surely that narration is forged against Allah and His messenger, so here Allah commanded you to hold fast in the decisive Quran’s text and to leave behind your backs what came contrary to the decisive Quran’s text in the narration of sunna of the explanatory-statement, to the fact that this narration is inserted forged against Allah and His messenger came to you from other than Allah and his messenger. Are you going to desist? and if you refused but to follow what came to you contrary to the decisive Quran’s text surely you have held fast with satan’s rope and you left the rope of the All Merciful, the guarded from alteration.

Indeed, I am the Imam Mahdi Nasser Mohammad Al-Yemeni, I call Allah to witness, and Allah is sufficient as witness that I am following the Quran’s text and the True sunna of the explanatory-statement to the fact who came with the QUran and the sunna of the explanatory-statement is Mohammad messenger of Allah, and he did not come to you with the prophetic sunna only in fact he came to you with the Quran and the True prophetic sunna so take both of them altogether and follow the decisive Quran’s text and the sunna of its explanatory-statement. Will you then not then keep this in mind? And Allah the Most High said: {..And whatever the messenger brought you, take it (accept it), and whatever he forbids you, abstain (therefrom)..}Truthful Allah the Great [Al-Hashr] 59:7

The Sunnis claimed only that is a command from Allah in following the prophetic sunna with which came the prophet. Then we uphold the argument against them with Truth and we say: And the Quran; who came to you with it except Mohammad messenger of Allah -prayer of Allah’s forgiveness and peace be upon him and his family? Or that you take from the Quran what came agreeable to the narrations of the sunna, and what came contrary to it in the Quran you leave it! Do you believe in some and disbelieve in other, won’t you keep your duty?

Thus the Shiites, they take from the Quran what came agreeable to the narrations of Imams of the family of the House and what violated it from the Quran they leave it! And the Imam Mahdi wonders from scholars of the Sunnis and Shiites and we say: Have you made the narrations and narratives being the reference to the grand Quran and dominant over it? It is then you did the opposite completely! Surely you lead yourselves astray and you lead your nation astray. How can claim that you follow Allah’s Book the grand Quran? In fact you left Allah’s Book behind your backs and nothing left from the Quran except its script-form between your hands. Thus you explain the verses of the Quran from yourselves so you make it agreeable to your desires, as well the other groups are like you. But I am the Imam Mahdi Nasser Mohammad Al-Yemeni contrary to you altogether with Truth so I follow Allah’s Book and the True sunna of His messenger making the decisive Quran the dominant over the prophetic sunna, and whenever a narration or a narrative came contrary to what Allah sent-down of revelation in the grand Quran I left what is contrary to the decisive grand Quran to the fact I knew what came contrary to the decisive grand Quran so that this narration in the sunna definitely just came from other than Allah and did not say it Mohammad messenger of Allah -prayer of Allah’s forgiveness and peace be upon him and his family- and all the believers and I salute (them) with best salutation.

O community scholars of the Shiites and Sunnis, How that you know for sure that the grand Quran Allah made it the dominant over the Book of the Torah and the Gospel, and what came contrary in them to the decisive Quran, so that is forged in the Torah and the Gospel, thus Allah made the decisive grand Quran is the dominant over the narrations of the prophetic sunna, and what came in it contrary to the decisive grand Quran surely that narration is forged against Allah and His messenger in the prophetic sunna, indeed by Allah, then by Allah, then by Allah you follow nothing (good) until you keep up what descended upon you in the decisive grand Quran.

Here he is the Imam Mahdi Nasser Mohammad Al-Yemeni, surely Allah made him the dominant with the Truth over all scholars of the Muslims, and the secret of dominance of the Imam Mahdi over you is the fact I debate with you by the grand Quran, and for that not a scholar argues with me but I upheld him with the decisive authority of knowledge in the grand Quran, as we shattered many of what you are upon of rules and doctrines of falsehood an utmost shattering, so we made the false as ashes on which the wind blows hard on a stormy day, and did not benefit you in a thing your handbooks at the time when you saw Nasser Mohammad Al-Yemeni armed with the grand Quran, and Allah made the Quran as an incisive sword (held) in the heart and the right hand of the Imam Mahdi Nasser Mohammad to shatter with it false judgement and doctrines of falsehood an utter shattering.. And I do not care! So is there of another swordsman from scholars of the Muslims if the virtues Sheikh Omar Al-Bakri turned his back retreating? And he did not return (to comment)! To the fact he has no matching power to defeat the Imam Mahdi Nasser Mohammad Al-Yemeni whom Allah has increased him over you with the True explanatory-statement for the knowledge of the Book, so not a scholar argues with me from the Quran but I upheld him with the bridling authority of knowledge until I make him between two choices; either the pride carries him of to sin and he does not follow the Truth after it cleared to him that it is the Truth, or he would be of the dutiful the grateful thankful if Allah decreed his presence in the era of sending the Awaited Nasser Mohammad Al-Yemeni. Or do you think that Nasser Mohammad Al-Yemeni is from the spiritualists whom smiting them the touch of satans whispering to them in their chests then he say: “My heart spoke to me”? In fact the outcast satan whispered to him.

I am the Awaited Mahdi announcing the disbelief in the spiritualism which Allah did not send any authority for it in the decisive Quran; in fact these are touches of satans lying to you that they are from the close angels of the All Merciful, so some of them who appears between his hands to worship them besides Allah, and some of them who whisper for him a touch of satan in his heart so he says: “My heart told me” (gut feeling); in fact told him in his heart a touch of an outcast satan to believe that what he feels is Allah’s spirit Allah placed it in his chest; in fact a touch of an outcast satan wants to hinder them from the straight path and they think that they are guided.

In regard to Nasser Mohammad Al-Yemeni surely my Lord inspires me with the authority of knowledge of the enlightening Book, and if the words are an inspiration from satan then beware O community of the best foremost supporters in the era of dialogue I surely warn you a big warning to the fact the inspiration from the Lord to the heart is either be spiritualistic from those of autism disease or that is the True Awaited Imam Mahdi from your Lord Who inspires me with the authority of knowledge in the decisive Quran so not a scholar argues with me from the Quran but I upheld him with the bridling authority of knowledge we devise it for you from the decisive Quran.

And those who are of the elusive whisperer disease; divide into many kinds, so some of them who satan whispers for him to say against Allah what he does not know to make him interpret the Quran from himself, as for the True Awaited Imam Mahdi from your Lord surely my Lord inspires me with the authority of knowledge in the decisive Quran, and I explain the Quran with the Quran in full details, and I did not say my heart told me — depending on that — and I want the people to believe me, I surely seek refuge in Allah to be of the ignorant ones. The fact of the inspiration to (make one to) understand is either a direct inspiration to (make one to) understand from the Lord to the heart proving in the authority of knowledge from the Book so he manifest the Quran with the Quran, or it is whisper of satan with words that Allah has not sent any authority for them.

And some of the who call themselves spiritualists, so he says that the spirit of the Messiah Jesus son of Mary descended into his body to speak to the people through him, and some of them who says that the soul of Mohammad messenger of Allah descended into his body, and he says: “Surely that is a ratification to the word of Allah the Most High: {He Who has made the Quran binding on you will surely bring you back to a place of return} [Al-Qasas] 28:85”, then he says: “Indeed the soul of Mohammad messenger of Allah descended into him to speak to the people with his tongue”. In fact the disease of the elusive whisperer are many, so some of them who a touch of satan whispers to him towards innocent (people) that they are plotting an evil-plan against him without proof of that; in fact inventing lies against them because of satan’s whisper. So be aware of satans’ touch of scheming in the chests of the people especially in the religion then they call themselves that they are spiritualists, and that’s in order to damage the reputation of who worship the Lord and to distort the spirit of Allah’s pleasure that descends upon the hearts of believing people, so the feel the tranquility and find rest in times of reminding them with the Truth from their Lord, Indeed with remembrance of Allah — the hearts find rest. But the touches of satans the plot in the false so the people can not differentiate between the Truth and false, so they lead astray a people and they think that they are guided! These are who do not rely on the detailed authority of knowledge from the Quran; in fact he may take a verse then he interprets it from himself while it is a scheme from satan in order he makes him say against Allah what he does not know to make it a proof to what he says, and they think that they are guided! But who followed the command of satan who commands evil and indecency and to say against Allah what they do not know, then definitely they will find many decisive clear verses contradict their satanic interpretations, but the True explanatory-statement of the Imam Mahdi Nasser Mohammad Al-Yemeni for the Quran by the Quran is as the compacted structure (strengthens itself by itself) it pulls some of it with other of it, so who used his mind sees it then Allah enlightens his heart with the True explanatory-statement, certainly the cunning of satan and his soldiers use many ways with every trick and mean so they hinder the people away from the Truth of their Lord so they do not be grateful, if they could not hinder the people in ratifying in the Quran then they take other way so they make a people among them exaggerate in the prophets and the Imams of the Book and the ones who were brought near (to Allah) in order they call on them besides Allah to intercede for them with Allah, surely here satan returns them to the association with Allah/ and preceded the explanation of that in many explanatory-statements for the rooted in the knowledge of the explanatory-statements of the Imam Mahdi for the Quran by the Quran so it increases them with faith and strengthening (in their certainty).

The age of the Mahdi-ship call reached the beginning of the twelfth year and the Imam Mahdi still the dominant with the authority of knowledge, and I issue a fatwa to all Muslims with Truth that he who claims the identity of the Awaited Mahdi is only whom an outcast satan smiting him except the True Awaited Mahdi from your Lord. If you would recite to them for an hour from the grand Quran you would notice a denial on their faces because of their burning with the light of the grand Quran even if did not utter out of him the touch of satan. And Yes, there is from the believers whom Allah afflicts him with touch of satan and their cure is in the True explanatory-statement for the grand Quran, the fact Allah burns him with the light of the explanatory-statement as that with mentioning the verses directly recited to him from the Quran, and I warn the supporters from the cunning of satans especially who was in him from before becoming from the supporters (beware) that they get him out of the light into the darkness with cunning of the whisper in his chest and his ears that he became a spiritual divinely servant, and they whisper to him with many things in order they lead them step by step in a way they deceive them with these methods until they get them out of light into darkness.
Perhaps the touch (of satan) say to him: “It’s time that Allah makes you an angel from human, don’t you remember the fatwa of Nasser Mohammad Al-Yemeni that some of his supporters who will be angles?”. let him seek refuge in Allah from the outcast satan, surely each innovation did not issue fatwa to you in it the Imam Mahdi Nasser Mohammad Al-Yemeni is considered falsehood in the call of the Mahdi-ship.

As for the upcoming honoring to people from the servants of the Greatest Bliss surely the coming of it is after the appearing in a while, and I hope from Allah not to fulfill this honoring so the unjust to themselves do not call on them besides Allah after their death, in fact you (rather) say: “Our Lord, make us not a trial for the unjust people”. To the fact they will exaggerate in you without right after your death and the death of your Imam, so seek refuge in Allah from the honoring in this world’s life, indeed by Allah did not cause the association of the nation except the exaggeration in the honored worshipers of Allah from the prophets, messengers, Imams of the Book, and the righteous. And because of the exaggeration in them without right and in their first supporters, then after their death; the generations would be exaggerating in them generation after generation until they make for them idols of statues to their images, so they would say: “These are intercessors with Allah”, so what is you thought in the honored delegation?
In respect to the whisper of spiritualism surely it is from satan so beware of them, certainly seek refuge in Allah from their cunning and their whisper and their heavy demand in your chests and your ears, in any case, these are rare cases may occur to one in a hundred from the supporters and they are who were inflicted with touches (of satan) from before they be of the True supporters, surely the touches harmed in their bodies and tormented an excruciating chastisement but they may take a plot through the whispers to get them out light into darkness with the whispering of the slinking (satan) in the chest or the ear, and they lie to them that who speaks to them are the angels talking to them, or the touch (of satan) say: “I am the spirit of the Bliss of Allah’s pleasure, I speak to you in your chest and your ear”. Then we say: Glory to Allah the Great! It is not for Allah to descend in the heart, glory be to Allah He is above what they associate (with Him)!

O my beloveds in Allah’s (pleasure), Those who Allah cast in their hearts the fact of the Greatest Bliss which is greater than the heavenly-garden that it is the Bliss of Allah’s pleasure over His servants, only this is Allah’s love to them so it would be pleased in their hearts a great love to their Lord, so here they feel that they would never be pleased with the bliss of the kingdom of the blissful heavenly-gardens until their Lord is pleased in Himself, and it became a certainty in their hearts with their persistence to not end that one would never be pleased with the kingdom of the heavenly-garden which its width is as the width of the heavens and earth until their Lord is pleased in Himself neither sorrow nor sad, and that’s because they are people whom Allah love and they love Him surely they find it in themselves that they will never be pleased with any material bliss in the hereafter no matter what it was and no matter what it is or would be until Allah fulfill for them the Greatest Bliss for them in their case, surely they will never be pleased until is pleased their Lord the Most Loved Thing to themselves.

So beware of satans’ cunning with the spiritualism and hold fast with Allah that you you will never be pleased until He is pleased, and shut down the door of satans, and wish not achieving the honors (of miracles) in this world’s life so you do not be a cause of sedition to the unjust people in the upcoming generations if you wanted achieving Allah’s pleasure in Himself. Don’t you see in the Book that the reason of polytheism for many of the believers is the exaggeration in Allah’s honored servants from before them?

..And peace be upon the messengers, and praise be to Allah Lord of the worlds

.Your brother the Imam Mahdi Nasser Mohammad Al-Yemeni


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