الموضوع: Do placing perfume on clothing invalidates the prayer


Do placing perfume on clothing invalidates the prayer..

Imam Nasser Mohammad Al-Yemeni

16 - 03 - 1433 AH
09 - 02 - 2012 AD
01:42 am

?Do placing perfume on clothes invalidates the prayer

In the name of Allah the All Merciful, the Most Merciful, prayer of forgiveness and peace be upon my grandfather Mohammad messenger of Allah and his virtuous family, and all the Muslims till judgement day, after this..

The question: Do placing perfume on clothing invalidates the prayer, knowingly that most perfumes manufactured from alcohol substance or ethanol matter and it is an intoxicant material yet it’s forbidden legally?

:And the answer to the possessors of understanding-minds
Purity is only cleansing from impurity, and the good scent is not of the impurities, may Allah bless you.

..And peace be upon the messengers, and praise be to Allah Lord of the worlds
.Your brother; the Imam Mahdi Nasser Mohammad Al-Yemeni



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