الموضوع: Series of explanatorystatements about the death story of King Salman bin Abdul Aziz and the knockout of the Saudi Crown Prince Muhammed bin Salman by a clinical death


Bin Salman’s absence from the Climate Summit..

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Imam Mahdi Nasser Mohammad Al-Yemeni

15 - Rabi Al-Thani - 1444 AH
Nov - 09 - 2022 AD
08:00 pm
(According to the official time of [Mecca] mother of towns)

..Bin Salman’s absence from the Climate Summit

..Allah’s peace, mercy, His blessings and the bliss of His goodly-pleasure be upon you

Verily, take advantage of this major opportunity; so what after the meeting of the entire world’s leaders at the Climate Summit in Sharm El-Sheikh, in which the Saudi Crown Prince, Muhammed bin Salman, did not attend, neither an image nor a voice (of him)?! In fact, even the picture, if it was dubbed, would have been revealed to the fact the world leaders surely know that Muhammed bin Salman was not present with them, so they would say how his picture appears with them while they know that he did not attend the Climate Summit with them? Or was he transformed from a human being into an angel among them, and for that they did not see him?! Here, the non-Arab leaders will criticize the fabrication of the image with the attendant leaders of the Climate Summit.

Moreover, they know that he did not throw a speech among the leaders of the non-Arabs and Arabs at the Climate Summit; in fact, they brought a (fabricated) CD assembled from videos of Muhammed bin Salman - real videos with his fat and flesh - but will they play the fabricated (CD) of Muhammed bin Salman at the global Climate Summit?! This means revealing his lack of presence in person! They can only hold an isolated summit away from the Climate Summit, and then they begin playing the fabricated (CD) which is combined from previous videos about the climate by Muhammed bin Salman, and most of which are from the (Advisory or Ministerial Council) not uploaded to the Internet. Surely, this is called a fabrication compiled from old real videos. Then comes the role of the masked person to greet and hug the twenty attendees, so this would be live or any new video, but it must be silent when it is the role of the person with the masked face; so they would never reveal his voice to viewers in a new topic; to the fact his voice exposes him that it is not the voice of Muhammed bin Salman, but unfortunately many of the common people did not differentiate between the muted act of a masked face and something called fabrication. Indeed, the real fabrication with the voice and image of the same person with his fat and flesh, but only combining words from his videos to be as if they were one speech. In fact, they can if the speech that a person speaks against the same person himself with his true voice and true image, surely no one suspects anything in the fabricated video, unless you bring the original video that has been altered, provided that it is in the image and voice of the same person, then uncovering the fabrication would be accomplished, and this is called fabrication.

I will give you an example about fabrication: As one of the fabricators also fabricated the speech of (Hassan Nasrallah) by saying that he admits that he is an ally of Israel and a friend of the Zionists, although it is the voice and image of Hassan Nasrallah, but the mind says: Even if we assume that he is an ally of Israel and a friend of the Zionists, it is not possible that he declares this openly to the worlds, even though it is the real voice of Hassan Nasrallah and his real image (a real live sound and image, with his fat and flesh), but they were taken from another video of Hassan Nasrallah in which he mentioned the Zionists and Israel, and instead the words were replaced with (Syria and Tehran) by his tongue with his live image from another video in which he pronounced the word Israel and the word Zionists; so replacing the names would be accomplished or replacing any word, surely, this is called fabrication. And only altering the words of the video from its places, but the problem is when they do not find a video of the same person with his live image in a new topic; here fabrication is difficult, when will you understand that?! Because your denial that Muhammed bin Salman's speech at the isolated climate summit in Sharm El-Sheikh is wrong! In fact it is a real old CD for Muhammed bin Salman in his flesh and blood about the climate compiled from old separate videos about the climate and the Saudi initiative to forest the desert and the middle east, in which Muhammed bin Salman sang for so long with that in his lifetime in many videos, and especially in a private counsel with the advisory counsel. But the fabricated CD for Muhammed bin Salman, they can not bring it to the general climate summit for the world leaders. Also the masked person stands here unable to speak on live, to the fact his voice would expose him that he is not Muhammed bin Salman, but the the general people must differentiate between something called acting in disguise with silence from the ears of the viewers (watching) the television screen among the worlds, and another thing with live sound and image (the image and voice of the same person) and this is called fabrication as in the following video:

I do not defend Hassan Nasrallah; I have nothing to do with him and about him, and he is like the parties in the Arab world who take religion as a means to gain power, but fabrication is a disgrace to its owner; and only, in order for them understand those who do not understand what is meant by fabrication.

So we do not get out of the subject, the thing that exposes the plot of all fabrication of the other Salman’s family members and their film-series since the death of Muhammed bin Salman; Also I repeat and mention that what reveals the truth about the fabrications and film-series of all the past episodes of Salman family is exclusively your focus on the reason for the absence of the Saudi Crown Prince from the global climate summit in Sharm El Sheikh, as that drawing the focus of any sane person who uses his mind. O community people of the worlds, respect your minds, indeed he does not exist among them in their gathering picture in the video of world leaders (in which you will find Muhammed bin Salman absent), then where is Mohammed bin Salman?! In fact, the most important than that is Muhammed bin Salman not addressing a word of the Kingdom in regard of the climate among the speeches of the world leaders, the reason and every reason is the revocation of the acting episodes and they stood incapable right there, surely they are unable to act with the (identical) mask of the actual face at the climate summit of the world leaders, and they are not able to bring a CD of a real video of Muhammed bin Salman to the fact this means he is not present with them and absent from the global climate summit. Indeed, this is the primary and main reason which made them take the summit in isolation at Sharm El-Sheikh away from the climate summit of the whole world leaders, and that in order they can fabricate, as that the fabrication is exposed outside the (Saudi) Kingdom. O community of best foremost supporters, did you comprehend the news?

I repeat, remind and say: Do not miss one thing which is; the absence of Muhammed bin Salman from the climatic summit of world leaders gathered at the climate summit (COP 27) in Sharm El-Sheikh Hall, with the exception of Muhammed bin Salman is absent. The world did not see him in the same meeting hall of world leaders, so why is the young-strong leader, Muhammad bin Salman, absent among them? Or did the eyes deviate from him?! But they are deluding people that his speech is new in Sharm El-Sheikh, and so that only those who watch the speech of Muhammed bin Salman think that he must be in the meeting hall of world leaders, except for those who used their minds and focused on the video of the climate summit for the world leaders in Sharm El-Sheikh, while the isolated summit which they called it summit of the green Middle East. As if it is on another unrelated topic about climate changes. By Allah, whoever did not understand the reason that compelled them to do so, let him write on his forehead a donkey does not understand among the people of the world, or from the cattle kind which do not reflect in this exposed, evident and clear event in Sharm El-Sheikh.

Let the focus on spreading this explanatory-statement, also the explanatory-statement that is before it in these days in concentrated way with every trick and means to accomplish spreading it on social / news media to accomplish the response over it with what the mind and logic accept from Salman’s family or whoever represent them on their behalf.

This is a question laid down to all; for each sane person: What is the exclusive wisdom behind the absence of the Saudi Crown Prince from the climate summit for all world leaders in Sharm El-Sheikh?! In spite of his presence in Sharm El-Sheikh, according to their announcement, then we do not find the personality of Muhammed bin Salman among the leaders of the whole world being gathered in one hall - Leaders of the world non-Arabs and the Arabs - except the great leader, we did not see him with them! This is an insult to Saudi, so do they not see him at the level to attend among them, and he was expelled from the summit climate (COP 27) in Sharm El-Sheikh to be forced to hold a summit on his level in Sharm El-Sheikh in isolation from the summit climate in the presence of the entire leaders of the whole world?! Is it conceivable that His Royal Highness Prince Muhammed bin Salman of the Saud family would accept this if he was alive and well?!

And we leave the answer for the mind and logic, although it does not concern me the search for the proofs upon the actual reality, to the fact I know about the event before it occurs in regard to the family of Salman before it comes to you. But what happens in front of you forced me to clarify in order to force the researchers and the intellectuals to make their minds work.

..Peace be upon the messengers, and praise be to Allah Lord of the worlds
.Khalifa of Allah over the worlds; the Imam Mahdi Nasser Mohammad Al-Yemeni

اقتباس: اضغط للقراءة
Last updated: 21-11-2022 07:06 PM

Urgent to everyone who respects his mind as a human being..

Imam Mahdi Nasser Mohammad Al-Yemeni

22 - Rabi Al-Thani - 1444 AH
Nov - 16 - 2022 AD
05:40 pm
(According to the official time of [Mecca] mother of towns)

..Urgent to everyone who respects his mind as a human being

..In the name of Allah the All Merciful, the Most Merciful

To every sane human being, this question is laid to the mind and logic. Is it possible for the Saudi Crown Prince; Muhammed bin Salman, to arrive heading the delegation of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia to participate in the G-20 Summit? Then we find the entire leaders of the summit where the reception is filmed live at the arrival of leaders heading their delegations. Directly with the camera of the correspondent of the official Saudi channel, live on air, in spite their noses, and many other foreign channels, direct filming, while the correspondent of the Saudi channels, on his intention, wanted to convey the moment of the arrival of his master, Crown Prince Muhammed bin Salman, in the luxurious car, then he disembark to walk on the red carpet, like other leaders of the G-20, then receives them the Indonesian president as he stands at the gate of the hall to shake hands with welcome, and to have his picture taken with the Indonesian president just before entering the hall, as he did with all the presidents of the G-20 summit, as well the invited presidents to attend the G-20. So the correspondent for the Saudi channel was awaiting the moment of the arrival of his master, Prince Muhammed bin Salman, and he was saying: “We are waiting for the arrival of the delegation of his master and lord; Prince Muhammed bin Salman, to the headquarters of the G-20 meeting hall, and whenever a convoy of one of the leaders of the summit arrive, he would rejoice anticipating that it is the convoy of the Crown Prince Muhammed bin Salman out of his thinking to correspond it live on air, for the fact the filming is live on air directly to all channels, and this is the situation to the filmers from the Saudi media. So it happened to them as the poet says: “Whenever the air knocks on the door, I say: The beloved came to me, while the air and the door are liars, it only wants to test me.”

Indeed it happened to the correspondent of the (Saudi) Kingdom’s channel. An embarrassing situation occurred several times during his live filming of the leaders of the delegations for the leaders of the G-20 summit. His thinking that the convoy of the Crown Prince Muhammed bin Salman has arrived until all of the delegations came one after the other, lo and behold the correspondent of the Saudi channel is surprised that all the G-20 leaders have arrived at the hall, and the last of the arrivals at the Gate of Honor to enter the hall is the American President Joe Biden, then here comes questions,what is the reason that the masked person did not enter among the train of leaders of delegations of the G-20, and we repeat the question for the second time and say: Although the masked impersonator of the identity of Muhammad bin Salman can enter from within the line of official delegations, being honored and well treated, from the Gate of Honor, so he would come in the convoy of the honored and well treated, but the satans of Salman family are afraid of its consequences when their play is revealed later among the line chain of the comers through the Gate of Honor entering with official way; president after president being honored and well treated, where the Indonesian president receives them at the Gate of Honor that hosting the G-20 conference for this year 2022 AD, but it seems that the Indonesian president also feared, like the Salman family, that he might put himself in distress, and historical lie takes away the credibility of his country and its membership from the G20.

The question that comes up for the fourth time is: What is the reason for the masked impersonator of the identity of Bin Salman to accept insults to the person of the Crown Prince and the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia?!

Oh glory be to my Lord, there are strange and scandalous behaviors, and by Allah it draws the attention of any sane human being whose mind is focused and does not believe everything he hears from the TV screen until he gets sure of the truth, and today is so much like yesterday! So as the owners of (acting) series of Salman family accepted the insult at the summit of the climate; surely as well, they accepted the insult at the G-20 summit, despite that the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia is the only country among the members of the G-20, the largest economy in the world, but the series of episodes of Prince Muhammad bin Salman’s brothers insulted Saudi Arabia, so till when will the family of Saud accept insult to themselves and their country?!

Despite the masked presence at the headquarters of the G-20 summit, but he was not among the presidents arriving to the hall officially, such as the leaders of the G-20 summit or leaders of other countries who were invited to attend, as that they were received in an official way that befits their status when they came to the gate of the hall's headquarters to hold the G-20 conference, so the Indonesian president would receive them at the Gate of Honor of the Hall, Except for the head of the delegation of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, Muhammed bin Salman, we did not see him among the honored arrivals in an official for at the Gate of Honor to the venue of holding the summit, despite the announcement of departure of his plane from the capital, Riyadh, heading to attend the G-20 summit. The fact that Saudi Arabia is the only one in the Arab countries that previously attained a seat in the G-20 of largest economies in the world, although I do not argue with them about this, in fact my argument is upholding and I will not budge away from it, which is: Appearing with a new topic that occurred after the knockout death of Muhammed bin Salman, surely it is: to speak with his tongue about the war between Russia and Ukraine, you would never find a video of Muhammed bin Salman in this regard in which Muhammad bin Salman speaks about the Russian-Ukrainian war, and called on him (to speak) in a speech with his tongue, voice and image, to stop the war and resort to the dialogue table. In fact, Allah is about to permit for Sayha of covid of death to knock them out altogether or scatter them all with a single Sayha wherein there is no delay, and those like them of the arrogant human satans of Al-Taghoot in (satan’s) party of the global zionist among the Arabs and non-Arabs.

Anyway - O community viewers of the Arab people in particular, enough lack of use of the mind.

Although the Saudi news channel also reported the activities of the G-20 summit, as well the same live broadcast of the Saudi channel, in spite of their nose; because it is a summit gathering the leaders of the world’s great economy, a group of twenty countries, how can the viewers of the Arab peoples listen to the confusion of the news channels and believe the fabrication of the presence; the Crown Prince Muhammed bin Salman, even though they did not and would never find that he was officially received when the leaders of the G-20 summit arrived at the headquarter of the summit hall?!

With which sufficient as a definitive proof, in fact this is new definitive evidence about the disgrace of the humiliated arrogant ones from Salman family. Isn’t time has come, O community of the educated intellectuals, in fact as well as those of understanding to use mind and logic?! Does Muhammed bin Salman accept for himself not to be one of the honored, well treated, such as filming the arrivals of the leaders of the G-20?! Did you find the Saudi Crown Prince among the honored delegation arriving at the gate of the hall headquarter to hold the G-20 summit?! And it was directly filmed from the Saudi channel, among the photographers, that the delegation of His Highness Prince Muhammed bin Salman will arrive, lo and behold they are surprised by the announcement of the completion of the leaders of the countries’ delegations, and it became clear to the correspondents that the delegation, the owners of the acting series, had previously entered the hall without an official entry from the Gate of Honor, so was entering them been accomplished through the back family door without receiving them at the official leaders’ gate?!

This is the truth, you will find it upon the actual reality, as well the tour of the Crown Prince impersonating Muhammed bin Salman, to all countries of the world if he could. By Allah, then by Allah, then by Allah, you will not and would never find for him a live conference with any leader, for sure it is free from the directly live press conference even if the impersonator of the personality of Prince Muhammed bin Salman by going around to visit all the world's presidents, surely he will stop unable to attend the live press conference. The fact that journalists would definitely ask him questions about the emerging issues that took place in the world arena, as what will happen now in his tour, and we challenge with truth in advance that he appear in a press conference with one of the leaders who he will visit their countries, and this challenge has preceded since the beginning of the most important event in the political arena, at the level of the world after their immediate knockout-death. Indeed, it is: Russia's war against Ukraine.

And we repeat the question for the millionth time: Who is the one that belittle the minds of the Arab peoples, especially after the broadcast of the Saudi channel, the ceremony of receiving the leaders of the G-20, from the beginning until the arrival of the last arrivals; the American President Joe Biden?! Then the Indonesian president accompanied the American president to enter inside the hall, then the introductory speech began - from the Indonesian president hosting the summit - then he kept the impersonator from being exposed when he speaks in speeches on the new topics, so his voice would reveal him to the people of the world. Therefore, the hosting president ordered the entire media journalists to exit from the hall of the headquarters of the G-20 summit, after the opening speech, unusually. The fact members of the G-20 summit usually deliver speeches live on air. So the Indonesian president fraudulently made a new protocol by expelling journalists so that the masked impersonator of Muhammed bin Salman would not be discovered by Arab viewers who love him and who hate him.

As for now, we leave you with the video to watch the event, which was filmed live, and then discover the fabrication that you recently witnessed falsely from (SPA) that Prince Muhammad bin Salman was received as the arrivals at the gate of the Hall of Honor, passing by the flags and banners of the Group of Twenty, and then embracing the Indonesian president at the gate of honor of the reception Although you will not and will not find that in the original clip; The fact that we were able to bring you the real video, for whoever does not understand after all of these incidents every time in the acting series are clear to those of understanding, then it will be certain that Muhammad bin Salman, if he was alive, he would not and would not accept these insults, so don’t you reason, people of the Arabs Students studying the personality of the Arab Prince Muhammad bin Salman?!

O the perishing rest fabricators from the rest of Salman's family who are looking forward for Trump’s return to the American throne to set them on their thrones, isn’t it time that you implement my command to release my Saudi supporters - O Salman family?! And if you insist on your arrogance; but you did not challenge Allah’s khalifa, Al-Mahdi Nasser Mohammad Al-Yemeni, in fact you challenged Allah, Lord of the worlds, and you disobeyed and gone too far from carrying out what Allah’s khalifa Al-Mahdi Nasser Mohammad Al-Yemeni, commanded you.

As for now, we leave you to watch the original live clip, from the beginning to the end. You would never find a documentation of the reception of Prince Muhammed bin Salman, although the correspondent photographer for the Saudi channel being obligated to film directly-live; for the fact it is a summit conference of the leaders of the G-20, and not just an individual visit to a state leader, and for that he is forced to connect his camera to the Internet for direct filming, and here he cannot change anything in it after broadcasting the live event. He was a few hours in advance awaiting the arrival of the leader of the Kingdom’s delegation, Prince Muhammed bin Salman, to participate in the G-20 summit which is held on the island of (Bali in the country of Indonesia), but the corespondents thought that it would film the moment of the arrival of the delegation of his Royal Highness Prince Muhammed bin Salman, but they were surprised - the correspondents of the live broadcast - that the Saudi delegation entered into the hall other than the Gate of Honor at the headquarters of the summit of the twenty, and without any honoring reception ceremony, so watch the full video to expose the clip claimed by the liar royal WAS-SAP, and it becomes clear to all researchers, policy makers, politicians, media reporters, and to every sane person disbelieves the royal (channel) WAS-SAP, so who would believe you after what happen of fabricating scandal of the clip-segment, nonetheless we did not find him from the beginning of it till the end of it?! And I mean the fabrication of the reception and not the impersonator’s muted chat with the non-Arabs, many of them do not recognize that the one in front of him is not Muhammed bin Salman, so they mislead the followers with their movements to take the mind away from focus when an event comes that reveals their concealment of the knockout death of Muhammed bin Salman by clinical death since the date: (March - 02 - 2022 AD). I am not free to follow their phony act and I am waiting for the judgment of the All Merciful to decide on the matter of the Salman family.

And sorry for the lengthiness, as for now to the video link of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia channel to watch the original clip, so do you find that an official reception was given to Crown Prince Muhammed bin Salman from among the leaders?! So look and find out, and a witness from his folks testified without intending it; in fact, he was waiting for the arrival of his master, Muhammed bin Salman, so he would document an extremely impressive reception, and for that he repeated the word that he is still awaiting the arrival of his Royal Highness to the delegations at the Gate of Honor and the spectacular reception, like other leaders of the G-20 of the major economic countries in the world. Then he documented their reception altogether except the documentation of the arrival of the head of the Kingdom’s delegation the Royal Prince Muhammed bin Salman, although he is not but waiting to document the arrival of the head of the Kingdom’s delegation, his Royal Highness, Saudi Crown Prince Muhammed bin Salman bin Abdulaziz, and here is the full video link, watch it from the beginning till the end:


I say it for the thousandth time: Who is the one belittling the minds of the Arab peoples?! Is Allah’s khalifa Al-Mahdi Nasser Mohammad Al-Yemeni or the rest of the arrogant from the Salman family?! So take a lesson, O who have seeing-eyes.

..Peace be upon the messengers, and praise be to Allah Lord of the worlds
.Khalifa of Allah over the whole worlds; the Imam Mahdi Nasser Mohammad Al-Yemeni

اقتباس: اضغط للقراءة
Last updated: 11-03-2023 09:23 PM